Our Mission

Welcome to The Infidelity Recovery Institute

Our Mission is to save the fabric of society, one relationship at a time.

Our Vision is to reduce the climbing divorce epidemic which is destroying the fabric of our society.

We offer you the skills to join us on this mission

Failed relationships due to infidelity are at the root of our social problems. IRI has the tools and the systems to help couples move through painful life situations, and recover.

Let’s make happy relationships our priority. When people enter committed relationships they do not want to fail.

A Community • An Initiative • A Safe, Empowering Place to Connect and Share Experiences

What’s The Infidelity Recovery Institute (IRI) All About?

The IRI provides online, self paced study guide for our 7 step program to people who want to go into the field of professional coaching, psychologists, coaches, therapists, ministers, pastors, and health field professionals.

The Overall Goals of IRI:

Goal #1 Educate and Train: To increase coach skill building and teach techniques for long-term success. We will educate based on established best practices and the finest materials made available within the coaching & counseling fields today. We base our programs and teachings on proven, results based technique.

Goal #2 Empower: Empowering coaches means more than giving them competency and knowledge. The key, is in teaching them to take effective action upon from what they have learned.

Goal #3 Entertain: In today’s world, most people want to be entertained while being educated. With this in mind, we focus on engaging our coaches on intellectual and emotional levels. When coaches are being entertained, they become more engaged in the dynamic process of learning, and are more likely to retain and act on what they have learned. To carry out this part of the program, video clips, music and other experiential exercises will be employed.

Goal #4: Creating a safety net and sense of community so no coach falls through the cracks.

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