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Why do women cheat? Because it so damn hot!! And then, sex with your man after cheating, is extra special and satisfying!
My true story: I have had three committed relationships, the first two ended badly, the third is my wife who has been true. Names have been changed, and the stories condensed to the basics.
Mandy: We met at work, but I did not pursue her right away. After three months, I decided I was interested, and began to talk with her to get to know her, and then asked her out. She declined at first, and had her friends talk with me to find out if I was serious, or just wanted a one-night-stand. Our first date was casual, and we got into it, and I brought her to orgasm by stroking and playing with her pussy while we were both still fully clothed. She was amazed that happened, and wanted to have full intercourse right then, and tried to seduce me to it. I wanted to wait, as we were still new, and I wasn’t sure about her, so I declined, and she actually cried a tiny bit!
Well, my resistance only lasted to the next date, when we went “full-on” for a couple hours. She was fantastic: an attractive woman with a good figure with huge gorgeous boobs.
The cheating: after we were together as a couple for three months (but not living together), Mandy took a long weekend back to her home town. When she returned, she was busy at first, and then when we got together she didn’t want to “get busy”. It wasn’t until more than a week after she had returned, before we went to the bedroom at her place. There I noticed a new white party dress hanging up on the closet door. It looked really hot with a revealing halter top that would display and partially expose her huge breasts, with a pleated skirt with a fitted waist. I asked her when and why did she get the new dress, and she said she got it for the festival back in her hometown. I asked Mandy to wear it for me, I thought she would look great and I said so. She refused, which hurt my feelings a bit. I practically begged, her, but she refused me. But, we had sex which went great as usual, we both came twice, and it was very intense for her.
The next evening we were together again, coupling in the bedroom, and I saw the white dress still hanging up. The sex was good, and she again had two very strong orgasms, I knew what did it for her. Afterward, we got dressed, Mandy put on her underwear, shorts, and a V-neck white T-shirt. Mandy said we needed to talk so we moved to the living room, sitting close together on the couch.
Mandy told me that she had a great time at the festival, and she said that she looked great in her new party dress. She said she was proud of herself, and proud that she looked so good in front of her old hometown crowd of friends, and she wanted me to know. She never wore anything that fancy and sexy for me, so I was a bit jealous. I told her again that it looked hot, and I asked her again to try it on for me. She said no, and left it hanging on the door.
Instead, she pulled down her shirt, and boosted up her boobs in her bra to show a very big cleavage, and smiled when I looked at her chest. I caressed and felt her chest, and asked what we needed to talk about, and she explained: She and her home-town friends got very drunk and smoked weed, and did other things that she wouldn’t tell at first, and danced the night away at the all-day street festival and party.
Mandy said she flirted and danced, and kissed with a few guys. She admitted that two guys in particular really turned her on. She explained that she danced with them and flirted, as she knew each guy a bit from her old days. One guy in the afternoon, and a different guy late at night. This story hurt me a lot. Then she pulled her shirt off over her head to display her magnificent chest!
After more reluctant questioning, then she revealed that she had made out with each guy. And then she happily confessed that she ended up going all the way with each one!! That hurt big-time, I was stunned! She explained about the first guy in the afternoon, in the summer heat in the back seat of his car in the parking lot, all hot and sweaty. The second guy in the cool evening, in an alley, where he entered her pussy from behind with her standing and bent over leaning against the wall while the band’s music throbbed and reverberated.
Well, we talked, and she wanted to describe those two guys and the sex they had, but I put an end to that! She was feeling like a sexual dive telling me her adventure, her nips were hard and she kept clenching her thighs together. Then she worked very hard to seduce me, and she used her magnificent boobs, and I gave in. She was extremely wet, she had four more orgasms that night, and she told me she loved sex with me, I was much bigger than those other guys, I was fantastic!
I broke it off, and she cried. She explained that the cheating didn’t matter for us, we could still be together, as it didn’t mean anything. She seduced me for three more hookups over the next two weeks, and cried again on the phone, but I still dumped her. She came back at me to try to get back together, but I was having none of it! She never regretted the cheating, only the consequence that I dumped her!
To win me back, she set up a three way with her sister who lived in town. I declined, but it was very difficult and intensely sexual and hard situation. She sent one cute married friend to me for a hook-up, in order to get me to come back to her! Nancy said that Mandy told her I was big and talented in bed and could last a long time, and she wanted it. I couldn’t resist her seduction, so we did the hook-up that one time (she came four times, and I twice!), but I would not go back to Mandy.
Helen: My second cheating experience was with a woman that I was living with as a committed couple, for two years. She was very sexy and seductive, and was incredibly talented in bed, we were very intense together and had sex two or three times a day! She was amazing! Her bod was petite and in very good shape, with an incredible behind. We had sex in crazy and risky places, and in front of one of her friends, who touched herself while we were going at it. And there were other very hot experiences with her that were too sensitive to reveal.
The third year, Helen began working late, and sometimes going out with her friends she said. Ok, fine, we were still having fantastic sex. She bought sexy thongs to wear to work, when she went out, and at home. When she came home late, she would jump me and we did the deed, where she rode me hard for multiple very intense orgasms. She was very wet, which I thought was because she was so hot for me. Her thongs were soaked.
I became suspicious, there were signs, and some of her stories weren’t believable. I followed her and confirmed she was cheating, and I confronted them both. She lied, and tried out two stories, which I obviously did not buy. She punched me, and the guy threatened to fight, and I was ready, I would have beaten him to a pulp, I was so angry.
Helen was furious and bragged that she had been cheating on me for three months, and I was so stupid, she said this was only the latest guy. I said she was the stupid one, to cheat on a solid guy like me. She punched me three more times, and she said she was so wet when she came home to me because she was dripping with some other guy’s cum. I believed her.
She tried to hold onto me, and offered three-way sex with two of her friends (separately, they were both hot, so I admit I was tempted!). She dressed in her sexy lingerie, stockings and boots to seduce me, and I gave in and enjoyed it; she was that good in the sack! But I felt sick about doing such a slut. I worried about VD. And I kept packing my stuff to move out. She tried hard to get me to stay with her and said she loved me, said she would be faithful, and etc.
Helen explained that as a teen, she had been forced to have incest with her uncle and brother, and I should feel sorry for her, and forgive her. She said she was forced to quit high school and work as a stripper at sixteen (she got her GED later, and even a college degree). I did feel sorry for her, and now had some idea of where she learned to be so fantastic in bed, and so crazy for sex. But not that sorry for her; I believed this story about her past, but I was done with her.
As a married man, I have been approached by many ladies to have an affair, with some very tempting and amazing experiences, but I never cheated. This included five of my wife’s close friends at different times over the years (amazing that they would betray their friend this way), and even one sister! I didn’t tell about the attempted seductions, until years later. I revealed about a couple of the ladies (not the sister), and my wife doesn’t care now since I did not give in.
I don’t think my wife cheated, but there were a couple of possibilities. But we talked about each guy and situation, and she was convincing, and I let it drop. She told me about some of the men who approached her at work who she turned away. One executive was working through all the ladies (married and single) at the office, it was a known scandal, but he never suffered any consequences. Obviously, the ladies enjoyed it enough to not push a sexual harassment case, or to confront the guy’s wife. They were not discrete in their affairs, and all the ladies at her office knew who he was doing at the moment.
Women cheat because cheating sex is fantastic and very intense! And the sex with her main guy is extra hot because of the cheating! Women are like men and very tempted and sexual, and love sex as much as guys. They cheat just as much, or perhaps more, than guys do. The temptations can be overpowering at the time, and amazingly satisfying. Women get a huge ego boost from cheating if they are not found out, and they feel empowered. They are only human. Keep that in mind, and be watchful.
I would love to invite you to listen to my podcast, and consider sending in your story (anonymously)
I am submitting this on behalf of a good friend of mine. I am worried he is making a huge mistake and needs help. His name is Carlton. He got involved in an affair and left his wife Charlotte for another woman.This news has been hard on the few people that know of the affair and him leaving. Carlton and Charlotte were so well suited for each other. Charlotte adored Carlton and I thought Carlton loved Charlotte as well. Several of us have spoken about this. Carlton has moved in with his girlfriend. We feel Carlton got wrapped up in the affair and did not truly want to leave Charlotte. Carlton’s best friend is the sister to the woman he left Charlotte for. Can these two wonderful people, Carlton and Charlotte be helped? This breaks my heart. Carlton will face such embarrassment for what he has done. Can their marriage be saved? Please help them. I have included Carlton’s email for him to receive help. Thank you. I love this couple, I know they can get through this. And I know Carlton does not want to face the public humiliation of his acts.
I have been with my husband just over 8yrs. I caught him cheating 3 times before we were married. He used fake email addresses on Craigslist to find women. And i still married him thinking he had changed. After we bought a house, got married and had a baby his sexual addiction to cheating turned worse.. an undercover cop posed as a 14yr old. He was so desperate that he agreed to buy her underwear. He was sexually explicit in emails to her..he was arrested and now our family is a disaster. I have a 2yr old and my husband is living with family. He is seeing a counselor. I found out that he has probably cheated with over 50 women in 5yrs. I have been absolutely devastated emotionally, financially. I have contemplated suicide myself as the shame is so great. So has he. I mourn our perfect family that once was.
You never had a perfect family. Wake up. You married a cheater and were delusional. Now your child is subjected to the same dysfunction you bought into.