This information may be outdated. It was current in 2015. If you have a current method feel free to share.

Also, check the laws in your part of the world before using these methods. It may be illegal.

In the USA, you will also have to check the laws in your state as each state may have a different law in regards to spy wear and the use of spyware on personal devices.

Capturing Emails Using Outlook

If your spouse is using Microsoft outlook, or outlook express and you get 10 mins to quickly use their computer then:

  • Load up Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express
  • Click File -> Import and Export
  • Click Export to a File
  • Then click Personal File Folder (.pst)
  • Then save the entire inbox of your partner to another directory on your computer
  • Now burn this to cd.

Now you have a copy of all your spouse’s emails, you can go to your local internet café and import them to a computer and read through them at your own leisure.

In order to import them, you simply need to:

  • Load up Microsoft Outlook/Outlook Express
  • Click File -> Import and Export
  • Click Import from Another Program or File
  • Then click Personal File Folder (.pst)
  • Then import the inbox of your partner to the café’s computer

If your partner uses another email client other than outlook then look up the help for how to import or export files. It should give you step-by-step instructions.

If your partner uses a free online email service provider then it is slightly trickier, you will actually need to obtain his or her password. Then you can go to an internet café and browse through their emails at your leisure.

Capturing Passwords

Capturing Microsoft Outlook Passwords

In order to capture passwords in Microsoft Outlook, you need to use a software application called Password Revealer.

You can download a free copy from: (not available)

(Note: While we have not experienced any difficulties ourselves, we are not the creators of this software so we accept no liability for its use. Use at your own risk).

  • Load up Outlook/Outlook Express
  • Click Tools->Email Accounts
  • Then Click View or Change Existing Email Accounts
  • Then Select the Email account of your spouse and click Change. Now load up the password revealer and click reveal.

If your partner’s password is encrypted, then the revealer will reveal it.

Capturing Hotmail or Other Free Service Providers Passwords

This is a little trickier and unfortunately costs money. You need to purchase a copy of Spector Pro from It records every keystroke that your partner types and you will be able to use that software to find out your partner’s password by looking up what they typed. It is like having a video camera recording everything that is happening on the computer. Not only that, you can also find out what they are saying via ICQ, Instant Messenger, or any other online chatting client.


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