10 Common Lies Unfaithful Men Tell

lying after affair

Are all liars unfaithful in relationships? No! Are all unfaithful partners liars? Yes! They lie to deceive and cover up the infidelity. When you are in a committed relationship, you become accountable to your partner and that restricts you from misbehaving. For those who cheat, the only way to avoid being caught is to tell lies

Lies have an expiry date and most times you will need another lie to cover up the previous one. People lie about everything so how can you identify when your partner is lying? Below are some of the common lying lines used by unfaithful men.

“I Had to Work Late”

That’s a very common line used by an unfaithful partner. If he suddenly starts working late on a regular basis, then it could be that he’s doing something else during those extra hours.

“I spent the night at my friend’s place”

Before leaving for work, he didn’t mention that he would spend the night at his friend’s place. So, you stayed awake waiting for him to return. When you tried calling him, you couldn’t get through and when he got back in the morning all he could say was that he spent the night at his friend’s place.

“I went to hang out with some friends”

He used to be a workaholic but suddenly he has started spending more time in bars and restaurants with friends. Find out if he is actually going to those places or if he is going to see his lover.

“My phone was in silence mood or my battery was dead”

When a cheat is out with his lover, he puts his phone in a silent mood so that when you call him, he would ignore it. He could also switch off his phone and tell you that his battery was dead.

“I’m traveling for a business trip”

Every weekend he goes on a business trip. When you complain, he tells you how important the trip is to his career. If he does that repeatedly then you should find out the exact place he goes to. Don’t be surprised if he has an unknown family at that his so-called business location.  

“It was a wrong number”

While you guys were together, he got a call from a number you aren’t familiar with. Since he couldn’t go outside to pick the call, he decided to make the conversation brief. After he hung up, he knew he was supposed to tell you who called him and instead of saying that it was his lover, he said it was a wrong caller.

“I was delayed by the police”

Another common lying statement said by cheats is:

“While I was on my way home, I was stopped by the police. They searched my car and found nothing. Although they were supposed to let me go, they kept me back for some interrogation.”

“I’m going to the gym”

Since you got married to him, he doesn’t go to the gym but all of a sudden, he seems to be going to the gym every day. And when he goes to the gym he spends long hours over there. Maybe you should find out which one of the gyms he’s visiting and if his mistress is also visiting the same gym.

“I have no idea where that lipstick stain came from”

If it isn’t a lipstick stain then it would be the smell of a woman’s fragrance. When questioned on how he got the lipstick stain, he would say:” I think I got stained by the lady who sat close to me in the bus.”

There are other lies told to cover an infidelity. If your partner has said any of the above to you, kindly note that it would be wrong to tag him a liar.  Before confronting him, make sure you have solid proofs.

To identify a liar, you must be very sensitive. When you suspect that he is lying to you, ask him either related or unrelated questions then check his reply. You can also monitor his body language for signs that would betray his words.