5 Signs Your Partner Might Be Bored With You

5 Signs Your Partner Might Be Bored With You

You remember the beginning of the relationship with your partner, right? It was filled with all-nighters, gifts, and doting attention saved just for you. Now that your relationship is comfortable –which is not necessarily a bad thing—the doting has stopped and it has you wondering if your partner might be bored with you. When you first notice these five signs, you might go into panic mode. You want the attention back! You do not want to lose him or her!

At this point, you might start garnering negative attention, such as lashing out at your partner. Perhaps it out of frustration, fear, or anger, but this is not the type of attention you want! You may also begin to push your feelings of frustration inward and distancing yourself from your partner in the hopes they will chase you. While these emotions are completely valid, your reactions to how you are feeling are not the most genuine ways to regain your partner’s attention. Let us first look at the five signs your partner might be bored with you, and then discuss ways to bring the spark back into your relationship.

Sign #1: Your partner spends their day with activities that do not include you.

Sign #2: Contact with you partner, through phone or text, becomes more spaced.

Sign #3: Your partner no longer discusses their day with you, or other important events –and they do not ask about yours either.

Sign #4: They make plans without you.

Sign #5: They seem to be somewhere else when you are talking.

In order to regain your partner’s attention, the first step is to do something that might seem contradictory to what we have already discussed:

Pull away.

This may seem like the wolf wearing sheep’s clothing over the silent treatment, but there is a difference. The silent treatment is unhealthy for you. The silent treatment causes you to cower in a corner, by yourself and blame yourself for your partner’s actions. Pulling away, however, will allow you to regain control over yourself and your goals. Remember, you were once a single person, without your partner. You are still that person.

Sometimes we spend a lot of energy trying to make a relationship work, when what we need to spend that energy on is ourselves. By pulling away from our partner, we can take some time to review our own unhappiness and find ways that inspire us to complete ourselves.

The best part of this is, your partner will notice. In most instances, the partner who seems bored or disinterested does not realize they are putting off this vibe because in reality, they are just comfortable. They do not realize they have been taking you for granted. When they notice you are unavailable, though, and not at their beckon call, their eyes might open up to a world without you. Make a date with a friend, or spend some time by yourself for a while. Leave your partner alone and see if they come around.

If they do not, you will have invested in yourself and be more open to the possibility of ending the relationship. If they do, it is time for a discussion on what is going on and how you and your partner can work through it together.

Keep Growing,


IRI Relationship Writer

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