6 Cute Ways to Stay in Touch With Your Partner That’s Not Texting

Maintaining constant and healthy communication with your partner in a long-distance relationship can be very challenging, especially if one or both of you have very busy schedules. In this case, texting may not be an option. So how do you ensure that you still get to bond and connect?

Below are six awesome alternatives to sending text messages when you are away from your beau.

  1. Make a voice call when they are free

If you or your partner is free for lunch or a short break, then a phone call is the best way to keep in touch. You get to say so much more than you would over text messages. You also get to hear each other’s voices which goes a long way towards strengthening the bond between you two.

  1. Send cute messages through co-workers and mutual friends

This is a great way to let your partner know that you are thinking about them without it necessarily being a distraction. So if you have a friend in common, get them to deliver a message or write a note from you to tell your partner how much you love them. The best part is that they won’t see this coming which makes it all the more adorable.

  1. Send photos of your activities

You could send photos of yourself shopping, your finished project, you post-nap face or whatever else you want. This is a great way to keep them updated on your daily activities without the pressure of getting a reply. You could also make it a little more interesting by sending flirty photos to get them excited for your time together when both of you are finally free.

  1. Send a letter

Sometimes, to move your relationship forward, you need to learn a thing or two from the past. Letters are by far the most romantic way to show affection to your partner. If you are in a long distance relationship, this will definitely help keep things hot and interesting. You could send an occasional letter or go the Notebook route and send one every day.

  1. Leave notes around the house when you visit

This one will just make your partner’s heart melt. On those occasional physical visits you make, you could leave a bunch of love notes hidden all around the house. That way when you are away, they find them and are reminded every moment of how much you love them.

  1. Order a meal for them remotely

The quickest way to any person’s heart is through their stomach. So send a message of love by having food delivered to them. Fortunately, we live in a day and age where you can very easily order food remotely and have it delivered elsewhere. So make use of this and give your beau a nice treat to remind them of your love.

If your partner has a demanding job or is in school or basically anywhere else they cannot text, do not be dismayed. There are so many other ways for you to talk to them, show affection to your partner and still feel like you are a part of their life and vice versa. With these six meaningful alternatives, it will be like no time has passed between you when you settle together in the evening for your daily video chat.

Posted by Kristy from Loving-Community.com