8 Bad Relationship Habits to Break

Relationships are amazing to be in, but the sad truth is that they sometimes bring out the worst in us. It doesn’t matter whether you live under the same roof or continents apart. Everyone has their own set of terrible habits that they pick up in relationships or that are intensified by these situations. Some of these issues are not only common but also potentially destructive to even the strongest of relationships.

Here are these habits that you should strive to avoid at all costs.

  • Passive aggressive reactions

It is a horrible way to deal with your frustrations. Instead of sulking all day or giving out silent treatment doses, you should consider speaking up. Make your frustrations clear and give your partner a chance to correct the mistake. Passive aggressive behavior can pose real problems if you are in a long-distance relationship or are online dating. Then, good communication is essential.

  • Complaining to everyone but your partner

When your partner does something you do not like there is always the temptation to tell anyone who will listen. And that is probably the worst reaction. What makes it particularly annoying is when you rant to everyone but fail to address the actual person involved. So talk to your beau about leaving dirty clothes on the floor before you go announcing to the world how you live with a pig.

  • Unhealthy competition

Competition can be a good thing as it helps keep you on your toes. However, when it gets to a point where you start to cut each other down and feelings get hurt, then there is something wrong. Instead, it would help if you strived to encourage each other and celebrate achievements as a team.

  • Total co-dependence

Relationships are about sharing and togetherness. However, this does not in any way mean that the concept of independence stops being relevant. Total co-dependence hinders individual growth and could in the long run foster feelings of resentment.

  • Getting even with each other

If your partner does something to piss you off and your immediate reaction is to get even, then you need to think seriously about what you are doing in that relationship. It is petty and will get you nowhere. The harsh reality is that if you are comfortable hurting your beau, then you are lying to yourself about loving him/her.

  • Failing to listen

This annoying habit has been the downfall of many relationships, and it isn’t about to stop any time soon. Particularly in long distance or online relationships. It is important to not only listen but understand where your partner is coming from every time they open up or complain about something.

  • Not prioritizing your partner and the relationship

It often happens in relationships where partners have been together for a long time, but it isn’t limited to such situations. If you do not make your significant other a priority, they will end up feeling unappreciated, insecure and frustrated. So give up as much of your time, energy and even money as it takes to make them feel important and valued.

  • Holding grudges

Holding on to toxic feelings is a really bad relationship habit that you should quit. It will make you bitter and blind you to all the other good things your partner does. So once an issue is fully resolved then put it behind you and move on.


2 thoughts on “8 Bad Relationship Habits to Break

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