Another night again I wipe away tears

danger signs in marriage

Another night again I wipe away tears
When will the hurt and pain end
The Lonliness the sleepless nights
The deep sadness knowing he enjoys his new life
He purposely destroyed my dreams
Leaving me nothing wanting me suffering
The heaviness felt within my soul from the man I vowed to always hold
His endless lies
The verbal put downs
Angery outburst to control
So many others He gave himself to
The number to high to count
Yet he would still look me in the eye
say three little words to keep me in his trap
Oh how I was a fool to believe in him
To trust he was the illusion he wanted me to see
All that was real was the prediator hidden beneath the mask
Now all that is left is the struggle within me to understand
I may have loved and took serious my vows
To him it was a game a means to an end
Once he grew board and used me up
The need to reinvent and move on was his plan of attack
New life new city new friends
Away where he could not be found out
The Judus that is his true heart
He will spend a lifetime pretending
Never knowing what true love is all about
His soul Is dark and empty
Consumed with selfish lust
A prisoner of his sin
Surrounded by everyone who helps him stay in
Such a sad life
He threw away the one who loved enough to help battle to win
Seeking and keeping those who would support and join the iniquity
Each Night I Converse With God
help me guide me through the storm
Give me peace to know I have not lost
But freed from Satan’s pawn
The vampire that destroys at any cost
His heart is cold and hardened as a dead man
I praise God he gives me strength to take a stand
With his grace and power I will fight this battle to get back my life
And give thanks I’m not down just rattled.

Juana Ann Morgan

From Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA.