Author Archives: IRI

Movie Review: Unfaithful

Sexual Addiction and Divorce

Title: Unfaithful Drama, Romance, Thriller Rated R For Sexuality, Partial Nudity, Language and A Scene Of Violence Cast: Diane Lane, Richard Gere, Olivier Martinez, Erik Per Sullivan, Michelle Monaghan, Chad Lowe, Kate Burton, Margaret Colin, Dominic Chianese 123 minutes Watch Now – Amazon Link Connie (Diane Lane) and her husband, Edward (Richard Gere), live with […]

How to tell children about divorce

how to tell children about divorce

Children of all ages can be devastated by the news that their parents are divorcing. Even those who have been living in a highly conflictual situation are often shocked by their parents’ final decision to separate. It is our hope that this article can help you prepare for how to tell children about divorce. For […]

Is it okay to slag off your ex?

madonna cheating

The Ex Factor By Jesse Fink It was somewhat unexpected when notoriously private star Jennifer Garner fronted Vanity Fair’s March issue with the perky coverline: “On the Rebound!” Almost exclusively photographed by the paparazzi in her “busy mum” role, dressed-down and bespectacled, running errands or dropping off her children, her advertised “Frank talk about kids, […]

Book Review: Not Just Friends by Shirley Glass

Affair Recovery Book: Not Just Friends by Shirley Glass

The author, using clinical experience and current research, broadens its definition, causes, and means of resolution. I recommend it for anyone considering an affair, in an affair, or recovering from an affair.

Breed: Cheating psychopath mutt.

A girl who found out her boyfriend was cheating on her has made sure he will never be short of female attention. But it’s probably not the attention he wants.While most people who’ been cheated on would cry angry tears before drowning their sorrows in a bucket of gin, this girl had other ideas. She […]

How to Catch Your Husband Cheating on Family Vacations

cheating on vacation

Women, are you vacationing with a cheat this summer? Do you suspect your husband has another woman waiting for him at home while you are away? The first thing you need to know about the cheating married man on vacation is that he is man with a lot on his shoulders. When he is having […]