Author Archives: IRI

Cheating Fathers = Cheating Sons

effect of affairs on the children

Study reveals insights into why people might cheat: The researchers found that men strayed regardless of their relationship’s health, while women would cheat as part of an effort to find a new partner

5 Things you must do to Build Trust after Infidelity

Will I ever be able to rebuild the trust of my partner? Will I ever be able to recover my sanity? Well, here are some good and bad news for you. Good news is that yes, you can rebuild the trust of your partner and make your relationship even better than before. Bad news is that it takes time and effort, and requires you to remain patient till the very end.

Correcting Cognitive Distortions in Low Sexual Desire

Researchers published findings from the largest nationally representative study of sexual and sexual-health behaviors ever conducted. Called the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB), it is one of the most comprehensive studies on sexuality in almost two decades. The researchers said they were struck by the variety of ways in which the subjects […]