Author Archives: IRI

Infidelity Myths V Facts

Infidelity Myths v facts

Infidelity Facts Following are some of the most common myths or faulty beliefs about extramarital affairs and infidelity. An affair inevitably destroys the marriage. Human beings are naturally monogamous. Monogamy is the norm in our society and most other societies. Society, as a whole, supports monogamy. Men initiate almost all affairs. An affair always means […]

Your relationship is, what you envision it to be

visualize the relationship you want

One of your final exercises in The 7 Step Infidelity Recovery Program is visualizing the relationship you want. You probably have never taken the time to think about the relationship you DO want. What would that LOOK like? What would you do? Where would you go? How would you treat each other? What rituals and traditions would you like to start? Where would you like to travel? You get the point I’m sure.