Author Archives: IRI

Communication, Conflict & Commitment: Part 1

keeping passion live after infidelity

“The first duty of love is to listen.” – Paul Tillich Researchers have found that the top two predictors of happy couples are good communication and conflict management skills. Communication and conflict are closely tied together. Communication is the means by which conflict is created, navigated, and resolved. Although it is true that effective communication […]

Time Spent Together

Marni Amsellem

Little Time Leads to Weed Filled Gardens Spending quality and quantity time together as a couple is not an unrealistic expectation. You may not be able to spend as much time as you would like, but you must spend enough to keep your marriage strong and vibrant. Most likely, your dating and courtship was a […]

How Much Sex is “Normal”?

Breakup Mistakes

Dan and Janet were newlyweds. They had been married about 5 months and their relationship seemed to be going well overall. But there were some growing tensions surrounding their sex life. Dan seemed to want to have sex everyday and Janet was not always in the mood. Janet did enjoy sex, but she was beginning […]

Flirting: Good, Bad… or just Plain Ugly?

What’s a little innocent flirting? Many married people think that a little harmless flirting with people outside of the marriage can actually be good for the marriage. Do you think it’s ok? Flirting: Good, Bad… or just Plain Ugly? Flirting, on its surface, seems harmless enough, right? There’s no harm because there’s no intention behind […]

VIDEO: A narcissist discusses his narcissistic personality disorder

Narcissistic Personality Disorder has nine traits. This is a very good documentary, which explains the nine traits of NPD. Sam Vaknin, author of Malignant Self Love: Narcissism Revisited, shares his knowledge and personal experience of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Not everyone who has narcissistic tendencies has NPD. It is not easy for an ordinary person to […]

Healing From Infidelity


Life certainly has its challenges, but little compares to the monumental task of healing from infidelity. As a marriage therapist for two decades, I’ve heard countless clients confess that the discovery of an affair was the lowest, darkest moment of their entire lives. And because affairs shatter trust, many seriously contemplate ending their marriages. However, […]

What are the tell tale signs of a cheating spouse?

signs of a cheating spouse

In this post, I will share with you some key tell tale signs that your partner is up to no good. The key is to observe their new behaviours, take down some notes on the time, day, and what you notice. When you have enough evidence to confront your partner about their behviour, they will […]

Four Reasons Why Money Doesn’t Have To Ruin Your Marriage

why do men look at other women

We touched on the role of money in marriage in the past, but today we’ll be taking a closer look into the matter. It’s no secret that a lot of couples have been split apart because of money problems. The very act of mulling over a lack of finances is a source of great tension […]

Overcoming our fears of intimacy to find and maintain love


Here are some crucial actions we can take to start breaking down the barriers inside yourself that push love away: 1. Look at your history – As we delve into the ways we defend against love, it’s helpful to look at our past. We can start by looking at our current or recent relationships. Where […]

Preventing and Overcoming infidelity

how to prevent an affair

After an affair, a relationship is more vulnerable than ever. The affair has created uncertainty and opened the future to other possibilities. Shirley Glass recommends these seven tips to ensure the relationship continues to heal.