Author Archives: IRI

Affair Facts

affair facts

Only 10% will marry their affair partner and then there is huge mistrust when married. If you leave someone and expect to have a long term relationship with the partner in the affair the chances are 1-2%. Shirley Glass Says- infidelity is more likely to lead to divorce if the unfaithful spouse is the wife. […]

Stop Compulsive Lying

pathological lying

Power Your Mind To Stop Compulsive Lying! Compulsive lying is a problem for millions of people and one that can cause them to weave tangled webs that destroy trust and relationships. Compulsive lying is not done merely to deceive. Often people will tell lies to save themselves from embarrassment or prevent hurting another’s feelings. They […]

Emotional and Physical Sexuality – Who You Are in Relationships ?

Who You Are in Relationships? This Two part series is highly recommended for anyone who desires a better understanding of their relationship type.  Tools to enhance your relationship are recommended as well! Having a successful relationship is the most important and yet the most difficult aspect of our lives.     Part 1 – 114min […]

Marriage Separation: Fixable or The End?

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] It’s never a pleasant situation to discover the one who you trusted with everything has been lying to your face and disrespecting your trust behind your back. There are several different ways to deal with being cheated on such as crying, venting, eating and maybe […]

What To Do If You’ve Hurt Your Spouse

What To Do If You’ve Hurt Your Spouse
[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” background_layout=”light” text_orientation=”left” use_border_color=”off” border_color=”#ffffff” border_style=”solid”] When you look back to the moments that you hurt your partner, it’s common to wish that you could go back in time and do things differently. Sadly, what’s done is done; both of you need to live with the consequences. We’re only human, and […]

Why do guys cheat with younger women

why people cheat

One in five adults in monogamous relationships have cheated on their partner at least once — and married men are more likely to cheat with a younger woman. The excitement of a new relationship or the high of sexual orgasm drives him to have affairs, even if he considers his marriage to be a happy […]

Danger Signs In Marriage You CAN’T Ignore

danger signs in marriage

If there’s one mistake you can’t afford to make in your marriage, it would be complacency. Nothing could be more damaging than turning a blind eye to the danger signs in relationships. Some couples know that they’re engaging in destructive behavior, but feel powerless to put a stop to the vicious cycle. On the other […]

The Top 5 Reasons why your spouse is just not that into you

The top 5 reasons why your spouse may be pulling away from your marriage ……and what you can do about each one: You live with your spouse. You see them every day. But why does it feel like lately they have been a million miles away? How is it possible that this person you know […]

Relationship Commitment versus Permission

When a friendship turns into a sexual relationship, people who are married or in an exclusive relationship have already ignored their original commitment and given themselves permission to go ahead. For some people, commitment comes with a mindfulness of the need for exclusivity, about which they have no second thoughts. For others, commitment is conditional […]