Author Archives: IRI

Weekend Relationship Project #2 – It’s not about the nail

it's not about the nail

It’s Not About The Nail This YouTube video, “it’s not about the nail” has been a social media hit – now with well over 12 million views. I really love it. As an Australian with a wacky sense of humor, I see the learning value in using comic relief to highlight a sensitive issue. As […]

Cheaters: Cheating fiancé gets busted at the carwash

Cheating fiancé

We share these videos to help you understand various lies people tell when they are having an affair. This man had been with his fiance for 4 years. He was devastated to find his worst fears were true….  

The difference between bisexual and heterosexual cheating

Who cheats more? Studies that have compared the levels of monogamy find that bisexuals are the least likely group to report monogamy in their relationships. Lesbians are the most like to report sexual fidelity, followed by heterosexuals, and then gay males, and last, bisexuals. However, as a group, bisexuals, both men and women, also appear […]

How to break free from love addiction

revenge affairs

Love Addiction can be loosely defined as a dysfunctional relationship between two people in which one person strives, almost compulsively, to ‘fix’ the other person. A characteristic behavior in Love Addiction is enabling, in which the love addict ignores problem behavior in the other person or makes excuses for them in order to continuously feel […]

The Relationship of the Love Addict and Love Avoidant

relationship killers

Toxic & Addictive: The Love Addict and Love Avoidant ……in LOVE In romantic relationships, the Love Addict repeatedly attracts individuals with particular signs – and in turn, people with these particular signs are attracted to the love addict. The type of person I am speaking of is the Love Avoidant. Like two powerful magnetic forces, a love […]

Understanding the Love Addict

Love Addiction

The Love Addict Love addicts tend to “love” others in maladaptive, compulsive, and self defeating ways that result in a diminished capacity of healthy or loving relationships with another person and the “self”. Love addicts can become obsessed and dependent to any type of person. Most commonly– love addicts become dependent to romantic love relationships. […]

Cheaters: A 21 yr old man catches fiancé cheating with a woman

how to improve our attachments

Cheating fiancé Is it ok if the fiancé is cheating with a woman? Would you allow your partner to cheat with the same sex? Watch what this man does when he finds out his fiancé is cheating with another woman.    

Rebooting your somatic experiencing and attunement

Reboot Your Relationship: somatic experiencing and attunement. Definition of Atunement A definition of attunement ‘is a kinesthetic and emotional sensing of others knowing their rhythm, affect and experience by metaphorically being in their skin, and going beyond empathy to create a two-person experience of unbroken feeling connectedness by providing a reciprocal affect and/or resonating response’. […]