Book Review: The Storm of Sex Addiction: Rescue and Recovery

The Storm of Sex Addiction: Rescue and Recovery

The Storm of Sex Addiction is an informative and useful resource–a must-have for people who want to understand the illness, its treatment, and prevention. Lofgreen understands the challenge, answers the crucial questions, and offers constructive solutions.

Each of the four parts of Lofgreen’s book has something to offer for the reader, whether a worried partner, a therapist wanting to expand his or her understanding of this area of intervention, or an individual struggling to understand the forces that drive addictive behavior within sexual encounters.

Section One sets the context for the remainder of the book. The prevalence of the problem, and its destructiveness are delineated. Repeatedly, we see the personal, relationship, career and family impacts.

Section Two lays out the context and environment that contributes to the development of high-risk behaviors – that lead, over time, to addictive patterns, rituals, and the disruption of a healthy life. Lofgreen draws together several important threads: trauma & attachment theory, the easy availability of internet sources of sexualized communication and imagery, and the progressive and destructive decline of mental and physical health that results. This is a useful and thought-provoking overview!

Section Three addresses a number of critical elements focusing on treatment and recovery. The reader will come away with an understanding of Lofgreen’s own Starpro intervention program that she conducts in her Omaha, NE outpatient office. Addtionally, she sketches out a realistic collection of therapy and support that anyone who suffers sex addiction should anticipate to use in his or her recovery. You’ll come away knowing that there are no shortcuts.

Each element is explained for its value and benefit to the client. Of particular note, the partners and spouses of the sex addict receive valuable input to assess their own needs, and the viability of the relationship with the addict. Safety, and personal growth, is emphasized. Lastly, there is a chapter in this section that highlights the special category of the clergy – the needs of the addict, the addict’s family, and his or her congregation.

Section Four reprises the societal and technological realities that we face today – the same ones that allow us to work remotely and communicate across the world instantaneously also bring us the potential of isolation, avoidance, false intimacy, addictive responses and patterns, along with the degradation of self, career, and relationships we all need. Lofgreen outlines a framework for child growth, development and safety through engaged, thoughtful, intentional parenting.

The book closes with a useful collection of resources for anyone wanting to go deeper into the subject. For the addict and family, additional books and sources of help. For the clinician, the reader will find additional sources of material related to addiction, attachment, and training.

What others say…

This book is extraordinary. It walks you through each step of the addiction process in mind and body. I’ve been the partner of a sex addict for 13 years and this book tied it all together for me. It really is a must read for anyone dealing with sex addiction.- Adrien


This is a great book to a very difficult topic. This was my first time reading anything about sexual additions. It was a great read! Easy, informative, helpful and so interesting. Ms. Lofgreen does an excellent job of explaining how these types of additions develop and a road out of them. She uses many clinical examples that help bring the topic to life and make it is easy to understand. She teaches how this problem can be treated and finds hope for the patient and their families out of this disease. This book is a great resource for those working with sexual addiction and is a great resource for those working with clients with any other addictions. It would be helpful to the novice or experienced therapist as it seems to be a growing concern in our communities. This would be a great resource in the graduate level classrooms for topics concerning addiction, trauma and/or attachment. It is a great resource for anyone struggling with this problem or a family member with this problem. Ms. Lofgreen has done an excellent job teaching us how to work with and prevent this disease now and in the future. Thank you for making such a difficult topic so easy to understand for those who work with these clients or those who struggle with the disease either personally or in families, as it has an impact on everyone involved. – Stacie.

[author] [author_image timthumb=’on’][/author_image] [author_info]Connie Lofgreen is a marriage and family therapist and Certified Sex Addiction Therapist in private practice in Omaha, Nebraska. She is the creator of STARPRO® (Sexual Treatment and Recovery Program)–a specialized treatment program for sex addicts, their partners and families. Lofgreen has over thirty years of successful relationship and trauma counseling experience, including extensive work with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. [/author_info] [/author]