Breed: Cheating psychopath mutt.

A girl who found out her boyfriend was cheating on her has made sure he will never be short of female attention.

But it’s probably not the attention he wants.While most people who’ been cheated on would cry angry tears before drowning their sorrows in a bucket of gin, this girl had other ideas.

She posted her ex’s photo in the style of a ‘lost dog’ poster on her college campus, with a description that read:

Breed: Cheating psychopath mutt.

Likes: Licking assholes (literally).

Answers to: Jordan.

Last seen: Humping Julia.

According to the Reddit user who spotted the flyer, it had been posted all around her campus at California Polytechnic State University.

Other users have joined in to confirm this really happened, by posting pictures of the same flyer in different locations.