How to Catch Your Husband Cheating on Family Vacations

cheating on vacation

Women, are you vacationing with a cheat this summer? Do you suspect your husband has another woman waiting for him at home while you are away?

The first thing you need to know about the cheating married man on vacation is that he is man with a lot on his shoulders. When he is having an affair he has to juggle two women, and their expectations of him, keen not to let either down, wanting to keep both parties happy.

Now, when a cheating married man is on vacation, he is out of his natural habitat. He is away from home, and away from the plethora of excuses he normally readily uses.

Things such as popping to the gym, working late at the office, going for a round of golf, or a round of drinks, with the boys, just won’t wash when he is trapped in a two bedroom family apartment in Cabo.  But while he may be on his family holiday, a time for rest and relaxation with the people he loves, he will also be most keen to work hard at keeping his mistress happy, as he needs to make sure she is still keen and waiting for him when he does get home.

Still it could be worse for you. There are also those married men who book hotels for their mistress to stay in, located just up the road from where they and the family are staying. While the wife has a nap after an extra vacation cocktail, the husband makes a quick break to the girlfriends room.

So wives, knowing that a cheating married man has to work hard to keep you and another woman happy while he is away, your work is almost done for you, as all you need to do is sit back, relax, and watch his behavior.

Before the Vacation….

1. Has he organized a special international calling plan on his mobile while he’s away

2. Does he seem stressed and hassled, especially after taking certain calls ?

3. Is he offering to run errands for you while away, such as popping to the local store to pick up supplies? Or running out to fill the rental car with gas all the time? If this is out of character this could be time alone to call his other woman back at home

4. Is he protective about his phone? Why?

5. Does he take his phone into the bathroom with him at all times

6. Is he clearing all of his last calls in his phone log

cheating husbands on vacation
<strong><em>Does he need a lot of Alone Time when on the family vacation<em><strong>

7. Is he feigning an upset stomach or sunburn just to have chance to lie down in the room while you go and ‘enjoy yourself.’

8. Does he like to suddenly go for an early morning run along the beach…alone

9. Does he get ready way before you for dinner, suggesting he meets you down in the hotel bar, to get from under your feet while getting ready. (i.e. more time alone for calls!)

10. Does he need to slip away from breakfast, lunch, dinner, the pool etc, to take or make calls (calls to the office no doubt he will tell you.

While on Vacation……

1. If he says he has to keep stepping out to check emails or call the office, suggest he ‘switches off’ as he is on holiday after all. Take his phone off him to help him relax.

2. Alternatively, if he is making lots of calls back to the office, check his phone log now and again. If he has nothing to hide then you won’t have any surprises to find.

3. If the office calls him and he has to ‘step out to take the call’ urge him to take it in front of you, or ask if you can say hello to his Boss.

4. Do as many activities as you can together, as a family. Don’t settle for his alone time excuses, as you came away to be on holiday as a family. He must therefore adhere to that

5. Tell him you need to borrow his phone one day while you pop to the shops, as your battery is dead.

Christina Milian
<strong><em>Christina Milians Husband on Romantic Vacation with Another Woman<em><strong>

Lastly, and I can’t emphasis this enough, if you are suspicious to begin with then this is a major red flag. Women were born with stellar gut instincts. Use them!

With so many celebrity men cheating these days, and some of their mistresses even choosing to have their “lovechild”, my message is that all wives need to be extra vigilant.

So sisters, enjoy your vacations. Be safe and alert, but not paranoid. But remember, if you ever do confront your man about infidelity suspicions, or things you are not comfortable with, and his reaction is to make you feel small, or stupid for asking, or if he belittles you in any way, then this is usually a very guilty man.

Conversely, if you have an honest, decent man, whom you are possibly accusing of cheating, then he will go out of his way to let you know you are wrong, and to prove to you he is a trustworthy and loyal man, showing you how much he loves you and appreciates you. I pray you all have the latter in your life.

The only way is loyalty.