Category Archives: Affair Recovery

5-Step Guide to Affair Discovery Self-Preservation

affair recovery

When you have just found out your spouse has had an affair, it will feel like the bottom is dropping out of your world….. You can’t sleep… you feel sick… and you want to get your old life back. Everything is overwhelming and you have no idea how you’re supposed to react. But you need […]

Wrangling with Betrayal – A Path Toward Healing

betrayal tiger woods

Betrayal is one of the most painful human experiences. We suddenly discover that what we thought was true is not true. When a person we’ve trusted suddenly undermines trust, our world is turned upside down. Trusting a person means feeling safe with them. We trust that they respect us, care about us, and wouldn’t hurt […]

5 Tips on How To Move On After A Break Up

men who cheat

The end of a relationship is something that almost all of us will go through at one point, whether as the dumper or the dumped, or on one end of a mutual decision. If, like me, you’ve been through the wringer more than a few times, the emotions and practicalities can be anticipated in advance, and although […]

Does an affair mean the end of your marriage?

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When you find out your partner has had an affair, it can feel like the end of the relationship. You’re likely to be shocked, angry and hurt. All your family and friends will naturally take your side against your partner and tell you to leave, because they want to protect you from someone who has […]

5 Things you must do to Build Trust after Infidelity

Will I ever be able to rebuild the trust of my partner? Will I ever be able to recover my sanity? Well, here are some good and bad news for you. Good news is that yes, you can rebuild the trust of your partner and make your relationship even better than before. Bad news is that it takes time and effort, and requires you to remain patient till the very end.

Your relationship is, what you envision it to be

visualize the relationship you want

One of your final exercises in The 7 Step Infidelity Recovery Program is visualizing the relationship you want. You probably have never taken the time to think about the relationship you DO want. What would that LOOK like? What would you do? Where would you go? How would you treat each other? What rituals and traditions would you like to start? Where would you like to travel? You get the point I’m sure.