Category Archives: Communication

Secret Facts About an Emotional Affair You Need to Know

emotional affair

Infidelity in an emotional affair occurs when a person develops a strong attraction and shares deep intimacy, with someone who isn’t his/her partner. In most cases, no physical intimacy is involved because the individuals never get the chance to meet in reality.

How to Share Your Fantasies with Your Partner

Sharing your fetish or fantasy with a partner can be a positive (and persuasive) experience. You don’t have to keep quiet. Just get comfortable with what you want, to ask calmly and confidently. Make your partner feel special and unique to share your desires. Show them positive examples of others enjoying what you like. Align the request with their self-image.

The Three Dangers the Power of Honesty Creates

It should come as no surprise to you that the number one rule to effective communication is honesty. If you aren’t going to be honest with your partner, then there is little reason to engage in the conversation at all. However, complete honesty is not as easy as it might seem. Indeed, conversations after affairs […]

Eight Ways to Prevent Infidelity in a Long-distance Relationship

black couple

Married couples who live far away from each other are often faced with temptations either from the online community or from those who live around them. The urge to cheat is usually strong and it requires great discipline to be able to stay faithful. People cheat in long distance relationship because such infidelity can be […]

How to Identify an Emotionally Distant Spouse

There are people who act like they don’t have emotions. Being in a relationship with such individuals can be so frustrating because you won’t be able to identify when they are happy, sad, afraid, in love, etc. No matter the situation, these individuals are always neutral and speak less.


The impact of sex on any marriage is undeniably huge. With the evolution of time, couples have generally begun to really acknowledge its influence, leaving behind an age when people never openly discussed what happened within the walls of the bedroom.

What You Should Know About Parental Rights After Separation

the effect of infidelity on children

In today’s article, we would look at some common questions asked by couples that are considering a separation. The answers to these questions would serve as a guide when making the final decisions.   1. Who takes parental responsibility after a separation? Both parents retain parental responsibility after separation if the child was born during […]

Six Reasons Why You Should Have a Joint Account With Your Partner

Have you ever wondered the best way to manage your finance in marriage? We already know that financial management is one of the reasons for conflicts in the home and sometimes having a joint account could be the solution to the misunderstanding. There is a school of thought that believes a joint account isn’t always […]

10 Mistakes Couples Commonly Repeat in Their Relationships

Many couples have problems. This is normal – we are all human after all and different aspects of our life often affect our relationships as well. So, one day our boss can yell at us, and we’ll come home and ignore our partner, be angry at them for some reason and so on. These are […]