Category Archives: Communication

Things Women Say and What They Really Mean

Reading between the lines One thing that keeps any relationship healthy and strong is great communication. This means not only speaking and listening but also understanding the message behind the words. Getting the deep meaning entails reading between the lines and listening to what your partner isn’t saying. Women, in particular, are notorious for hiding […]

Should I Confess my Infidelity to my Spouse?

After an infidelity most people are faced with the feelings of guilt and they often ask this question: “Should I confess my infidelity to my spouse?” The opinions on this sensitive issue are divided: on one hand there are those who suggest that an infidelity, especially if it was an accidental affair should never be […]

5 Keys to Recovering from Infidelity in Relationship

Being in a relationship where cheating has occurred is heartbreaking and mentally exhausting. This is true for either side of those who have experienced infidelity – those who cheat and those who have been cheated on. By building trust and reconnecting as a married couple, you can move on after an affair, but it isn’t […]

Communication Patterns Between Couples

In my recent book, Reboot Your Relationship: Restoring Love in a Disconnected World, I talk about what is called the Relationship Dance. The needs of ‘I’ bump against the needs of ‘We’ in an intricate dance. We fight for connection, for closeness, but we also seek to protect our hearts from being broken and our uniqueness […]

The Intimacy Sexagon: Looking at the “I” first, before fixing the “WE”

marriage advice

  Our “WE” is broken Your “We” has two “I’s” within it, the foundation of the “We”, so it makes sense to first fix the foundation that supports the relationship. To help any couple visualize what they need to work on, we draw a nest of triangles. Each triangle within this figure represents one of […]

Communication, Conflict & Commitment: Part 1

keeping passion live after infidelity

“The first duty of love is to listen.” – Paul Tillich Researchers have found that the top two predictors of happy couples are good communication and conflict management skills. Communication and conflict are closely tied together. Communication is the means by which conflict is created, navigated, and resolved. Although it is true that effective communication […]

How to Ask Empowering Questions

workplace affairs

Questions guide us in all that we do. Some questions we ask to ourselves; some to others. We walk into a room and think or ask, “What’s going on here?” We hear the telephone ring and wonder, “Who’s that?” We see a friend and ask, usually quite automatically, “How are you?”   Not every question […]

5 Reasons He Wants to Avoid Talking about His Affair

the couple bubble

5 Reasons He Wants to Avoid Talking about His Affair at All Costs


The Internet is indeed serious bizness. With the abundance of easily available information, it’s tempting to throw this information around without restraint especially as an opportunity for self-aggrandizement. But there’s the subtle art of dishing things out, be it facts, opinions or advice in a healthy manner. If it’s out of excitement, we can somehow forgive or tolerate […]