Category Archives: Communication

The 13 Core Skills for Effective Listening in Love Relationships

When working with couples one of the critical skills (basic core skills) is listening, understanding, and validating (LUV Talk). Just because you hear something doesn’t mean you’re listening. Listening isn’t just a skill, it’s one of the keys to wisdom. It requires a calm and genuine curiosity to truly ‘understand’ something or someone for the […]

Communication in marriage: Asking deeper questions

why do people cheat

Do You Really Know Your Partner? You might think you know your partner really well. While it is fantastic to feel comfortable and familiar with the one you are with, you might know them as well as you think you do. People change every day and it is important to keep an open mind to […]

Another way to look at nagging

nagging wife

Does this look familiar to you?   Nagging: repetitive inquiring/asking/reminding, with a tone of escalating irritability.  Why, oh why, do we nag?!  It annoys the nag-ee. It actually even annoys the nagger! Plus, nagging doesn’t work. Even if it elicits the desired results (i.e., the thing we’re rattling on about actually gets accomplished), it’s with a […]

Do you know the Four Horsemen?

Four Horsemen

These 4 behaviors are poison to relationships. Watch this and find out how to avoid them.   Criticism: It’s okay (and can be healthy) to complain about what’s wrong in your relationship, the problem arises when complaining turns into criticizing. A complaint focuses on the event or behavior you want to change, whereas criticism attacks […]

Movie Therapy – “Hope Springs

Dr. Gunzburg talks about “Can This Marriage Be Saved?” in reference to the movie called Hope Springs. Hope Springs is about a couple that is on the verge of divorce at an intensive marriage retreat. And how they save their marriage.   The Review Meryl Streep  and Tommy Lee Jones, Streep plays Kay who has […]

Conflict relief for your relationship pain

Conflict Relief

This week our theme is “Conflict Relief.” It’s about getting to the core issue and doing our best to clear it so it doesn’t run our life. Ironically, by talking about ‘conflict relief,’ what do you think happened? We invited more “conflict” in. In other words, the “storms” are brewing and in order to burn […]

MEDIA: Nailing difficult conversations

Nailing difficult conversations The Age, May 18, 2015 Small Business   Psychologist Savannah Ellis recommends writing down a plan of action before you start the discussion. Photo: Supplied You can put them off for as long as you like, but there’s no escaping difficult conversations. What scares us most is confrontation: how to bring it up, where […]