Category Archives: Depression

Tips for Overcoming Depression after a Divorce

Seasonal Depression: Now’s the Time to Take Action

Your wedding ceremony was more than what you dreamed of. After you got married, you decided to let go of some habits, friendships, dreams, likes etc… and put in all your best to make your marriage last for a lifetime. But one day, you woke up to realize that your marriage has turned from being […]

How to Cope with an Emotionally Abusive Spouse

According to the Surviving Abuse Website, emotional abuse is a form of domestic violence that centers around hurting a person with words instead of physically harming them. Its effects can be as harmful as a physical abuse.

Overcoming Loneliness as a Single


Being single doesn’t equal being lonely Most of the people who ask that question usually have a wrong assumption in mind. Those people usually believe that being single means that the person is lonely and as a result they wonder how single people deal with loneliness. The first thing you need to know is that […]

Five Reasons Why you Still Dream of your Ex

“Why do I always see Charles in my dreams? It’s been months since we got separated but I still see him often in my dreams. Initially, I thought it was because I always thought about him during the day but I have noticed that even when I don’t think about him, he still appears in […]

How To Cope With The Cheating Husband

I watched a movie where a lady was engaged to a casanova. While the wedding preparations were ongoing her girlfriend asked her a question. “Sussy, are you sure you can live happily with Mark? It’s no news that Mark goes after everything in skirts so what if he doesn’t change from his flirtatious ways even […]

How to Deal with Depression and Stress After Infidelity

depression after infidelity

So, it’s happened. Words cannot convey the pain you feel after finding out that your significant other has cheated on you; perhaps you thought your marriage was great- perhaps you knew there were some issues that needed to be worked on- regardless of the situation, you didn’t expect this. Infidelity shakes us to our core- […]