Category Archives: Divorce

Sexual Addiction and Divorce

how to detect a lie

Back in early 2001 when I had been a lawyer for about two years, L.C. assigned me to work for a husband and father in his early 30s.  His wife had abruptly left their home in another state with their child and moved in with her parents who lived in a small Mississippi town.  The […]

Tips for Overcoming Depression after a Divorce

Seasonal Depression: Now’s the Time to Take Action

Your wedding ceremony was more than what you dreamed of. After you got married, you decided to let go of some habits, friendships, dreams, likes etc… and put in all your best to make your marriage last for a lifetime. But one day, you woke up to realize that your marriage has turned from being […]

What You Should Know About Parental Rights After Separation

the effect of infidelity on children

In today’s article, we would look at some common questions asked by couples that are considering a separation. The answers to these questions would serve as a guide when making the final decisions.   1. Who takes parental responsibility after a separation? Both parents retain parental responsibility after separation if the child was born during […]

Divorce and Legal Separation: Its Similarities and Differences

Divorce and separation are two terms that are often used interchangeably when describing the breakup of a marital bond. While they might have some similarities, it is important to note their differences too.

Parental Alienation and Its Impact on the Child’s Life

After a divorce or separation, we often see cases whereby one of the parents starts telling the child negative things about his other parent just to destroy the image and relationship the other parent has with the child. Such parents go as far as preventing the child from communicating with his other parent and deprive […]

Legal Consequences of Spying on your Spouse

Whenever you suspect that your partner is cheating, you might be tempted to check his emails, texts, chats, and social media activities. Gaining access to his personal information serves as an evidence to use against him but are you aware that you could be charged in court for spying? The respect for privacy is a […]

8 Tips for How to Choose a Family Law Attorney during a Divorce

Tips for Selecting the Best Family Law Attorney

When divorce seems to be the ultimate destiny of a crippled marriage, the blame game is of no value then. Why always end up acrimoniously? Though the loss is irrevocable, still there’s much more left to move on. The shattered family, though resented and emotionally chaotic, must seek for some appropriate professional help to get […]

Nine Keys to Living Well after a Separation

“We were so much in love and he was all I ever wanted. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. Unfortunately, I woke up one morning to realize that he’s gone. Yes! Gone so far away. I tried my best to make him stay but the more I tried, the more I […]