Category Archives: Divorce

Five Emotional Stages of a Divorce

Divorce is a long process, which does not end at the moment when the couple separates nor at the moment the papers are signed. The divorce ends when the pain and suffering caused by the separation have been healed. That moment we can confidently move forward leaving behind the anger, guilt, sadness etc. that is […]

Marriage and Relationships: Knowing When to Take a Walk

You have been together with your partner for a long time but suddenly you can’t figure out what you mean to him. You doubt his feelings, the signs are there, and deep inside your heart, you are aware that the love is gone. What would you do in such situation? Stay or take a walk? […]

How To Tell If He Is Checked Out of the Relationship

Prognostication within a relationship means being aware of what the individual does and how those actions relate to future behaviors. Ask anyone seeking to predict the weather or the winner of this season’s Bachelor and they will confess the low likelihood of success. Fortunately, targeting specific ways he acts with you will indicate the temperature […]

When Is the Right Time to Seek Legal Counsel for a Divorce?

the law and infidelity

The US Legal System We can all agree that the end of a marriage is a challenging time for anyone. With that said, knowing when to seek counsel can vital to minimizing conflicts and unfair judgments. “Complexity” is the watchword for the US legal system. Divorce has numerous legal ramifications that require an attorney experienced […]

What does God say about Adultery & Infidelity?

how can I save my marriage after an affair

NOTICE: IRI IS NOT A RELIGIOUS ORGANISATION We provide this information, as it is a common question during marriage counselling sessions. We provide this information for your reference ONLY. No person should stay in an emotionally or physically abusive marriage. The Bible speaks much on the subject of marriage and divorce.  Check out Matthew 5:21, Matthew 19:8-9, […]

How to tell children about divorce

how to tell children about divorce

Children of all ages can be devastated by the news that their parents are divorcing. Even those who have been living in a highly conflictual situation are often shocked by their parents’ final decision to separate. It is our hope that this article can help you prepare for how to tell children about divorce. For […]

The most common reasons people give for their divorce

infidelity reasons for divorce in the usa

Infidelity is one of the leading causes of divorce; it nearly doubles the chance that a couple will get divorced. And even though we live in a sexually tolerant society, still more than 90% of Americans say infidelity is morally wrong. Statistics on infidelity  Although it is hard to do research on how common infidelity is, […]