Category Archives: Painful Emotions

How to Cope When your Spouse is Gay

After being married for a long time, you probably felt you knew everything about your spouse because you could mention his likes, dislikes, beliefs, and everything. But amongst all the things you ever imagined about your spouse, you never thought he could be gay not until that day you caught him kissing his gay lover. […]

Jealousy in relationships

jealous boyfriend

Jealousy is normal or is it? Jealousy is a reaction to a perceived threat—real or imagined—to a valued relationship.(1) Jealousy is a normal emotion, arising when someone feels insecure about their relationship (whether that relationship is with a romantic partner, a parent, a sibling, or a friend). Everyone experiences jealousy at some point in their […]

Movie Therapy for Couples

tarzan the movie

Cinema therapy is defined by Segen’s Medical Dictionary as: A form of therapy or self-help that uses movies, particularly videos, as therapeutic tools. Cinema therapy can be a catalyst for healing and growth for those who are open to learning how movies affect people and to watching certain films with conscious awareness. Cinema therapy allows […]

General Causes of Loneliness in Marriage

Everyone needs a companion to interact with physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally. When you are single and happy, our society will say, “get married, and you will have a lifetime companion to share your success, joy, secrets, pains, and failures with.” But what if that companion suddenly becomes emotionally detached from you? That is why […]

The 5 Stages of recovery from grief

I know how bad it feels when you lose something that was very important to you or even worse when you lose a close person. While i am not trying to underestimate the emotions you are experiencing still i know of few things that can help you feel a little better. In this article i […]

Wrangling with Betrayal – A Path Toward Healing

betrayal tiger woods

Betrayal is one of the most painful human experiences. We suddenly discover that what we thought was true is not true. When a person we’ve trusted suddenly undermines trust, our world is turned upside down. Trusting a person means feeling safe with them. We trust that they respect us, care about us, and wouldn’t hurt […]

50 Real-Life Consequences of an Affair

recover from husbands affair

Guest post by “Julia” My husband, like many unfaithful spouses, claims that he didn’t really consider (well, chose not to consider) the real-life consequences of his infidelity.  While in la-la land, he convinced himself that his fantasy world would never collide with his real life and so it wasn’t even necessary to pontificate the possible fallout; you […]