Category Archives: Sex & Intimacy

How Much Sex is “Normal”?

Breakup Mistakes

Dan and Janet were newlyweds. They had been married about 5 months and their relationship seemed to be going well overall. But there were some growing tensions surrounding their sex life. Dan seemed to want to have sex everyday and Janet was not always in the mood. Janet did enjoy sex, but she was beginning […]

Overcoming our fears of intimacy to find and maintain love


Here are some crucial actions we can take to start breaking down the barriers inside yourself that push love away: 1. Look at your history – As we delve into the ways we defend against love, it’s helpful to look at our past. We can start by looking at our current or recent relationships. Where […]

Sexual chemistry keeps marriages alive and connected

happily forever after

By Paul Brandt, LS, LCSW Keeping any relationship fun is not an easy task – especially in Long Term Relationships. Read how some people step up to keeping fun in their relationships. Gabriel Angelino Occasionally, my wife flashes me.  (What she flashes me is between her and me.) Sometimes it’s during one of those rare […]

Emotional and Physical Sexuality – Who You Are in Relationships ?

Who You Are in Relationships? This Two part series is highly recommended for anyone who desires a better understanding of their relationship type.  Tools to enhance your relationship are recommended as well! Having a successful relationship is the most important and yet the most difficult aspect of our lives.     Part 1 – 114min […]

What Makes a Good Lover?

In my new book, The Ecstasy of Surrender, I discuss how to manifest your full sexual power, even if you are out of touch with it now. First, you must learn to completely inhabit your body and the moment. If not now, when? Holding back, fixating on performance, or letting your mind chatter and drift is […]

How to break free from love addiction

revenge affairs

Love Addiction can be loosely defined as a dysfunctional relationship between two people in which one person strives, almost compulsively, to ‘fix’ the other person. A characteristic behavior in Love Addiction is enabling, in which the love addict ignores problem behavior in the other person or makes excuses for them in order to continuously feel […]

The Relationship of the Love Addict and Love Avoidant

relationship killers

Toxic & Addictive: The Love Addict and Love Avoidant ……in LOVE In romantic relationships, the Love Addict repeatedly attracts individuals with particular signs – and in turn, people with these particular signs are attracted to the love addict. The type of person I am speaking of is the Love Avoidant. Like two powerful magnetic forces, a love […]

How to Get and Keep Your Man’s Attention…and its not by withholding sex

withholding sex

Are you struggling to get your man’s attention? … Have you withheld sex to do it?    You may think that this will get him to engage with you on other levels because he’ll do whatever it takes to have sex with you. And yes—it may accomplish that. But truthfully, it is one of the […]