Couple with Down Syndrome Share their Love Story

Love is a magical feeling that can possess anyone. It doesn’t matter whether you are cute, ugly, tall, a dwarf, sick nor whatsoever. True love doesn’t care about what people have to say. It is one of the best things that can happen to anyone.

At that time, the marriage union of Tommy and Maryanne was one of the most criticized in England but today they celebrate their 22nd anniversary. A story that surpassed all social prejudices.

Maryanne Newman and Tommy Pilling met in 1993 and since then they did not separate again. They married in 1995 and recently renewed their marriage vows.

In an interview with the Daily Mail, Maryanne’s sister, Linda Newman, revealed details of what was then one of the most criticized weddings in the world.

People with Down syndrome are often prevented by society from going through everyday processes and living a normal life. However, this consolidated couple is a clear example that the limitations imposed come from prejudice and ignorance.

According to Linda, the day they met, her sister could not stop smiling and talking about him. They dated for 18 months until Tommy decided to propose to her.

“He talked to my mom to ask if he could propose to her. He had a toy ring taken from a vending machine, so my mom did not hesitate to say yes, but she wanted him to do it correctly, so she accompanied him to a jewelry shop to buy a better ring, “added Maryanne’s sister.

They met and never separated again

They were married in 1995, in the church of St Mary in Essex, England and it is believed that they were the first couple with Down syndrome to get married.

Although the couple was happy and had the support of their families and their environment, it was a commitment that did not go down well with everyone.

“My mother received a lot of criticism for allowing them to get married, but she insisted that it was their decision,” said Linda.

They celebrated 22 years of marriage

Cumplieron 22 años de casados

“My wedding day was the best day of my life. I was shocked when Tommy proposed to me, but I did not have to think twice before saying yes,” said Maryanne during the interview.

“Tommy and I never argued, I love my husband, he is my best friend, ” she added.

The couple lives totally independent, with their families in the same neighborhood in case they need help, and today they celebrate this union for life.