Eight Ways to Prevent Infidelity in a Long-distance Relationship

black couple

Married couples who live far away from each other are often faced with temptations either from the online community or from those who live around them. The urge to cheat is usually strong and it requires great discipline to be able to stay faithful.

People cheat in long distance relationship because such infidelity can be easily covered. For example; there is no need to be scared while walking on the road with your lover because there is no possibility of bumping into your wife and kids on the way since they live thousands of miles away.

Also, when you live far away from your family, not everyone would be aware of your marital status so that makes it easier for you to lie about your status. Due to the disadvantages of a long-distance relationship, couples are always advised to live together.  Unfortunately, work and other engagements would always create an opportunity for couples to stay far away from each other.

Is it possible to remain faithful while living miles away from your spouse? Would you like to know how to keep the love glowing for your partner while he/she is far away? The following tips would effectively guide you on how to remain faithful in a long-distance relationship.

1. Don’t let the love fade away:

Every relationship requires love and affection in order to flourish but when the couple is separated by distance, the expression of these feelings becomes limited.  Maintaining a steady communication is important to avoid falling out of love. The couple should also be more creative in expressing their love; sending gifts items, remembering special occasions, visiting each other whenever they have the resources, etc.

2. Trust is important:

Trust is very vital in every relationship. If while you were together your partner was faithful, respectful and treated you well, then there is no reason to worry when he’s gone to live in another town.

Having full trust in your partner can prevent him/her from cheating. When questioned some individuals said they were able to overcome infidelity just because they knew their partner trusted them while others said they actually cheated because they knew their partners had no trust in them.

3. Communication is the key:

Do not let your daily busy schedule to interfere with the communication with your partner. Create time to talk to him/her. Leave voice notes, emails, text messages, etc. A good way to strengthen the relationship is to use a webcam, as this offers a way to visually communicate with each other.

4. Keep yourself busy:

Loneliness and emptiness are some of the main reasons why people cheat. They also say that an idle man’s heart is the devil’s workshop so avoid being idle. You can learn a skill, try out a new hobby, or just find something to occupy your mind. When you are busy the feelings of loneliness would be reduced.

5. Beware of Jealousy:

Jealousy is a poison that can slowly destroy a perfectly healthy relationship. Avoid speculating that your partner is unfaithful and in situations where there are proofs of infidelity, discuss your concerns with him/her and be willing to listen to their side of the story.

6. Don’t neglect visitations:

There are times when the couple wishes to visit each other but are restrained by either financial or visa limitations. Due to these limitations, some couples have been unable to meet for over 12 years. Coping in this kind of relationship becomes very difficult but in cases where visitation is possible, the couple should plan on visiting each other regularly. I believe you don’t wish to miss that feeling of excitement that comes when you finally get to see the love of your life who has been away for so long.

7. Handle arguments maturely:

Couples in long distance relationship also have arguments and resolving it over the phone requires a lot of maturity and understanding. When you are angry do not ignore your partner’s call nor give him a cold response. Ensure to resolve all your misunderstandings because if they are left unresolved, it creates room for infidelity.

8. Have faith in your love

Faith is what would strengthen you when you are lovesick. Honestly, if you don’t have faith that one day the distance barrier would be lifted, then you might just give up on the relationship. Also, having faith in the love that you share with your partner would prevent you from cheating while living miles apart.

Whether you are in a close or distant relationship, infidelity is always a choice.  To prevent infidelity in a long-distance relationship, the couple must decide to stay connected to one another and avoid any other relationship that would make them compromise their love and trust for each other.

3 thoughts on “Eight Ways to Prevent Infidelity in a Long-distance Relationship

  1. Williams Stone says:

    “I was with a girlfriend for five years and was making plans to propose to her. Then one day, she said she wanted to take a break to figure things out. That was about four years ago. She got married about two years after her “break” to a coworker who I later found out through the help of hackgoodnesstech on insta, gram that she had been cheating on me with the whole time we were together. I was devastated at the time, but now I think it was all for the best. Also, it’s a small world, because her husband is cheating on her with my staff. Thanks karma!” I might just give my staff a promotion, what do you guys think

  2. williams Brown says:

    I was with a girlfriend for four years and was making plans to propose to her. Then one day, she said she wanted to take a break to figure things out. That was about four years ago. She got married about two years after her “break” to a coworker who I later found out through the help of hackgoodnesstech on insta, gram a pro tech guy that she had been cheating on me the whole time we were together. I was devastated at the time, but now I think it was all for the best. Also, it’s a small world, because her husband is cheating on her with someone I know. Thanks karma!

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