Eight Signs to Identify a Cheating Man

One of the binding factors in a relationship is trust but we have often seen cases where the trust is betrayed by a spouse. Having full trust in your spouse doesn’t mean that an individual should neglect some behavioral and routine changes observed in their spouse. This is because anyone is prone to making mistakes.

Despite the fact that your husband considers you to be attractive doesn’t mean he won’t meet someone more attractive. Being in love with him doesn’t mean that another lady won’t fall in love with him and try to snatch him from you.

Just like women most men face temptation every day at the workplace, on the street, social media, etc. This makes it difficult to remain faithful to the marital vows.

Do you feel your husband has started seeing someone else? When a man starts cheating his attitude changes. The following are some of the signs of a cheating man.

He becomes glued to his phone:

Everything related to his communications, SMS, calls or social networks like Facebook, has become a strictly confidential zone.

He hides his laptop and his smartphones are protected with passwords. In short, his private life has become as secured as the Alcatraz prison. If he is always chatting late in the nights, then there could be something fishy.

He becomes less intimate:

When was the last time he kissed and held you passionately? When was the last time he told you all about his worries?

Has he created a physical and emotional distance and when you try to speak to him about it, he gives you excuses, like: “I’m tired, leave me alone, I’m busy besides my mind has been unsettled for a while now.”

That could be a sign that he’s seeing someone else.

He is always going out with friends:

The thing is, this is the third time in a month that he has gone on a weekend with his friends, without you. One may begin to wonder if he is not hanging out with a beautiful blonde in reality.

He has more work in the evening:

Although your man has never been an idler who spends his days on the couch, he always knew how to balance things between work and the rest of his life.

Then all of a sudden, every evening he has meetings that drag on till late in the night. If he doesn’t give an excuse for being late because of a meeting, he might say he was stuck in traffic.

He pays a lot of attention to his look:

Whenever you notice that your man has suddenly developed so much interest in his looks then that could be a sign. If he spends hours in the bathroom, wears the latest fashion, and has suddenly started visiting the gym then it could be because he is trying to keep up an appearance.

He accuses you of being unfaithful:

They say that the guilty one is always the first to point an accusing finger. Most men who accuse their spouses of infidelity do so because they are guilty of such. Such men become so jealous and suspicious. This is just a strategy to prevent their spouse from finding out their infidelity.

He has mood swings:

At noon he is adorable and cuddly and an hour later he blames you for everything. If your man starts getting angry often and he just can’t explain to you what his problem is, it could be that he’s trying to deal with his guilty conscience by taking it out on you.

Other suspicious clues:

If he returns from work with lipstick stains or with smells of a woman’s perfume, then that could be a sign to investigate. If the condoms you bought get used up very often and you are sure you guys didn’t use them together then that might also be another sign.

When you find suspicious clues, you are to investigate before drawing a conclusion so as to avoid conflicts in your marriage. There is no doubt that some of the above-mentioned signs could be misleading so before drawing your conclusion about your spouse’s infidelity, do get your facts right.


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  1. Pingback: Top 10 Signs They’re Cheating- From A Private Investigator - The Infidelity Recovery Institute

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