Even the act of rape is considered adultery in Iraq


Stoned for committing adultery

ISLAMIC State raped four Iraqi women before stoning them to death for ‘committing adultery’

Four Kurdish women were raped by Islamic State (Isis) jihadi fighters then stoned to death in front of a large crowd for their ‘adultery’. The women were apparently subject to the barbaric execution in the Daesh (Isis) stronghold of Mosul whilst the men involved remained unidentified.

The ‘adulterers’ were arrested on Wednesday 10 February and “stoned to death in front of a large crowd of people in central Mosul” the next day. According to the U.N., residents in Mosul are regularly forced to attend public executions carried out after private Sharia proceedings.

“The four women were most likely exposed to sexual abuse at the hands of ISIS militants before being driven out of their homes and transferred to the Sharia Court.”

In its online English magazine, Dabiq, ISIS lays out its justification for its brutality against the Yazidis on religious grounds:

“Enslaving the families of the kuffar [unbelievers] and taking their women as concubines is a firmly established aspect of the Shariah [Islamic law] that if anyone were to deny or mock, he would be denying or mocking the verses of the Qur’an and the narrations of the Prophet.”

But theologians the world over point out that ISIS’s actions have no basis in Islam.

“The people of ISIS don’t represent Islam at all. In fact, if anything, they are anti-Islam,” says London-based Imam Ajmal Masroor. “They have hijacked Islam. They have denigrated Islam. They have desecrated it.”

Sharia Law on Adultery

It is said, that under sharia law, married men or women who commit adultery can be stoned to death. Those who are not married can expect a punishment of being flogged. But is this true? Actually, the religion of Islam, states the punishment for adultery is different to that imposed by ISIS.

The Punishment for Adultery is 100 Lashes

Abdullah Tariq from the Islamic Voice shares the actual religious rules on adultery, “The penalty for adultery is not stoning to death unless he is a hardened and habitual sinner who is a perpetual disturber of peace of the society. Qur’an clearly spells out the related law.”

“The woman and the man guilty of unlawful sex (adultery or fornication), flog each of them with a hundred stripes; let not compassion move you in their case in a matter prescribed by Allah if ye believe in Allah and the Last day; and let a party of the believers witness their punishment”. (24:2)

“Few Islamic laws have been so misunderstood as the penalty of illicit sexual intercourse. It is generally believed by a majority including some renowned scholars that the above punishment is only for the unmarried offenders. There is nothing to prove the contention of stoning to death being the punishment for adultery in the book of God. On the contrary there are clear indications in Qur’an that punishment of 100 lashes is for all adult and sane persons making illicit sexual intercourse, be they married for unmarried, men or women.”


  • http://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/08/middleeast/isis-rape-theology-soldiers-rape-women-to-make-them-muslim/
  • http://heavy.com/news/2016/02/isis-islamic-state-stones-executes-four-women-sexual-abuse-victims-adultery-sharia-court-mosul-iraq/
  • http://islamicvoice.com/april.99/dialogue.htm#PUN