How Exercising As A Couple Can Help

after the affair


The discovery of infidelity in a relationship often breaks down the normal flow of communication, trust and collaboration. This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone going through it, but on the road to recovery there are many exercises and activities that you can do to help rebuild and even improve upon what was once lost.


In fact exercising together, is one activity that can help improve communication, trust and collaboration. Not only can you set fitness goals that you both can work towards (improving collaboration), but also by exercising, your body releases “feel-good” chemicals known as endorphins, which can elevate mood.


While endorphins are not going to be your saving grace, what they can do is improve your odds of communicating, bonding and simply enjoying each other’s company. Not to mention the extra exercise can be great for losing some unwanted weight, which can also be a positive physical sign of your commitment to each other, working together to achieve the fitness goals you both set out.


But before we get into the different ways you both can exercise, you should know that this type of activity can be beneficial during the mid to late stages of recovery, depending on your situation it might not be suitable for initial or earlier stages of recovery.


Nonetheless, here are some fun ways you can exercise with your partner, which are typically intensive enough to ensure endorphin production while improving communication, trust and collaboration.


Hiking is a Wonderful Outdoor Activity


Hiking is often a change from the normal routine. Surrounded by nature, fresh air and new sights, hiking can be a great outdoor activity that can help lift up the mood and spur on communication. Most cities and towns have hiking trails that are safe enough to travel while also being challenging enough to increase your heart rate. Just be sure that you are both wearing appropriate footwear and for added safety check the weather forecasts before you go out on your hike.


If you like, pack a picnic lunch. Some cheese, crackers and red wine can be enjoyable on those longer hikes. Alternatively if you decide to further your bonding experience by setting up fitness and weight loss goals, you might enjoy a pre-package protein snack or perhaps eating one of the delicious protein cookies or bars that you both bake before your trip. As well, make sure to always pack enough sunblock and water for your hike.


Swimming is Gentle On the Body


Swimming is a great form of exercise that not only can benefit your health and waist line, but can also be a fun and different way to connect and interact with your partner. You can even add a little competitive edge by spurring on a challenging race, or you can decide to chat while staying afloat. No matter the style of your swim, the exercise will raise your heart rate and help produce more endorphins.


Running is Challenging and Stimulating


Running is probably the most effective way to; burn calories, push your body past fitness plateaus and access those feel-good endorphins. Lots of people have running partners, as it not only supports their motivation to achieve fitness goals but also can make the exercise fun, interesting and social.


It can be a great way for both of you to see and experience some of the scenic places in your community, like a coastal or bush trail run. Additionally, running is also one of the easiest activities to set and achieve fitness goals that you both can reach. Goals like running or training for a 2k, 5k or 10k run can increase your ability to cooperate and achieve like-minded goals with your partner.


Work Out With Your Partner


The key to enjoying an exercise together is choosing an activity that both of you like to perform. It’s all about discussing options and reaching a consensus. Building a little exercise into each day will help you to stay close and stay fit. Doing things together is the key to staying together. When you add endorphins into the mix, you’ll be sure to improve your odds while also having a great time together.