Five Behavioral Changes of an Unfaithful Woman

Marriage is not always a bed of roses although it might seem so during the first few months after the wedding. But as time goes on, misunderstanding, infidelity, intolerance and other negative attitudes affect the bond. If things aren’t put in check, it could get to a point where a spouse starts withdrawing from the other.

Most married women have this innocent “good woman” appearance and that is why it could be difficult to identify a cheating woman. In recent survey, over 74% of women said they have had an affair outside their marriage, about 65% had an affair because of the issues they were faced with in their marriage while over 50% said they have been unfaithful more than once.

According to infidelity experts, the rate of infidelity among woman starts to rise when they are in their mid-thirties and have been married for over 7 years. In our previous post we have already discussed the different reasons why women cheat but in this blog we shall look at some behavioral changes to look out for in a cheating woman. If you observe some of these signs in your wife then it is possible that there is someone new in her life. 

1. She becomes overprotective of her phone:

She used to be very free and open to you. There were no passwords and strange numbers on her device but suddenly she decided to put a lock on her phone. What could she be hiding? Jerry narrated his experience:

“We dated for five months and during that time the love was blossoming. After the seventh month we decided to get married. Initially, everything was great not until I noticed that she was being over protective of her phone. Although, I am not the type that snoops through my partner’s phone because I believe everyone has the right to personal privacy but her attitude towards her phone made it obvious that she was hiding something.

Well, her phone got damaged and I had to take it for a repair.  After I got it fixed I was tempted to go through the phone and when I did, I was disappointed. She was cheating and guess what? She had multiple partners.  I found pictures, chats, calls and transactions between her and her lovers.  Then I understood the reason why she was always cautious of her phone.”

 2. Too much attention to appearance:

When you met her there were some kinds of clothes she didn’t love to wear. She wasn’t the type that wouldn’t leave the house without wearing heavy make-up. She was just cool and casual then suddenly a progressive shift occurred and she just can’t do without those make ups, low cut blouses, skimpy skirts and tight pants. If she does this whenever she wants to go out without you then it is possible that there is someone else that she is trying to impress with her beauty.

3. She becomes time cautious:

If your wife has started asking a lot of questions about your work hours, plans and what time you would be returning home then it is possible that there is someone she wishes to meet up in your absence. If she starts encouraging you to go on business trips and leave the house under the guise that she can manage everything in your absence then there could be something fishy about such attitude.

In such situation you should give wrong answers then see what happens when you arrive home earlier than she expected. It is possible that you might not find her at home or she might not be alone when you return. Finding out the truth could be painful but at least you’ll know where you stand.

4. Lack of Intimacy:

Sometimes when a woman withdraws from her husband, it could be that she has found solace in someone else. If she starts being secretive and doesn’t share her joy or pain with you, there could be someone else she prefers sharing it with.

The sexual intimacy could also be affected as she might start giving excuses why she doesn’t want a kiss, romance nor sex. In some cases, even when she accepts love making she doesn’t respond emotionally and physically during the process. She could even be lost in thoughts while making love to you. The most frustrating act would be when she calls you someone else’s name or starts comparing you with an outsider. If she behaves in this manner then do some investigations and you might just find out her new lover.

5. Changes in routine

If she starts returning home later than usual, if she starts making new friends and going on dates with her friends without inviting you to join, if she doesn’t pay attention to your physical and emotional needs and acts picky all the time then that’s a sign that she could be seeing someone else.

It would be wrong to conclude that your spouse is unfaithful because of the changes in her behavior. There are other reasons that could prompt these new attitudes so instead of drawing conclusions based on assumptions, take out time to probe her and if she’s guilty you can always forgive and grant her another chance.