Five Reasons Why you Still Dream of your Ex

“Why do I always see Charles in my dreams? It’s been months since we got separated but I still see him often in my dreams. Initially, I thought it was because I always thought about him during the day but I have noticed that even when I don’t think about him, he still appears in my dream. I really don’t want this to continue because I have made up my mind to move on without him and those dreams just torment me and make me miss him more.”

Those were the words of Sandra, a beautiful lady whose heart got broken on a day which was supposed to be the happiest day of her life- her wedding day.

She had always wished and prepared for a perfect wedding ceremony. Her wedding dress was bought from one of the most expensive stores and with the help of a great make-up artist she wore a charming look while she walked down the aisle. Looking at the face of her groom she felt she had found paradise in him. During the wedding ceremony, she felt so blessed and happy not until it was time to exchange vows. The minister had asked:

“Charles, would you take Sandra as your lawfully wedded wife………….to love and cherish…………. till death do you part?

The next one minute was greeted with silence.  Everyone thought he probably didn’t hear what he was being asked so the minister had to repeat those lines again.

‘Charles, would you take Sandra as your lawfully wedded wife………….to love and cherish…………. till death do you part?”

At this point, Charles looked at the audience then turned to his bride, still he didn’t say a word. Sandra’s heart was already beating fast. She quickly said:

“Darling, you have to say something…. You know I love you, please say I do.”

Finally, the audience heard the groom voice and guess what he said?

“I’m so sorry dear… I know you are a good-hearted person but I am so sorry to disappoint you on this day. I can’t marry you any longer because I don’t love you anymore.”

What did he just say? How could he be so heartless? If he didn’t love her anymore why didn’t he call it off earlier? Oh no!  I felt so sorry for her.

Five months had passed before Sandra reached me and complained about seeing her ex in her dreams often. In her dreams Charles often appears as her Prince Charming who treats her well, and tells her how much he loves her.  According to her, each time she had such dreams she often wished they were all a reality probably because she is still in love with her ex.

Why do you still dream of an ex?

It is very common to dream of an ex. Anyone who has had a significant love affair that ended at some point is likely to dream of their ex.

The common questions that arise from such experience are:

  • Why do I still dream of my ex?
  • Is it necessary to still have dreams of my ex since I have already moved on?
  • Could those dreams have some hidden meanings?

Now, let’s see some possible reasons why you are still seeing your ex in your dreams.

Feelings of frustration:

Did I just say frustration? Yes! Frustration can be one of the reasons why you still see your ex in your dream. Some persons get so frustrated after a breakup and such results to a constant replay of their ex’s memories in their dreams.

When you just can’t let go:

If you are still in love with your ex and you think about the individual everyday then you are most likely going to see him/her in your dreams. It doesn’t matter if you have deleted your ex’s phone number and all social media connections. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t seen nor talked to him in months. If you still hear his voice in your head and wish he was still by your side, then girlfriend, you would see him in your dreams, over and over again.

Hatred and Unforgiveness:

One of my girlfriends once said she saw her ex in her dreams and she was chasing him with a gun. Hmmm. I guess since she was unable to take a revenge on him in the physical world she decided to be chasing him in her dreams. Lol.

If you are still nursing feelings of hatred and unforgiveness then you are most likely going to see your ex in your dreams.

When you are unhappy in your new relationship:

If your ex was a “perfect” guy while your new guy has got some imperfections you aren’t willing to tolerate, then you will most likely see your ex in your dreams. This often happens when you start comparing your ex with the new guy.

There is still hope:

When you have hopes of reconciling with your ex then you might start seeing him in your dreams.

How do you feel about dreaming of your ex? Do you cherish those dreams or would you wish to stop having them? If you asked me, I think that you shouldn’t let those dreams bother you. The human mind works in a special way and until you find another person for whom you have real feelings, then your last relationship will most likely be replayed in your dreams.

Although, I am also aware that those thoughts and dreams of an ex could interfere in your present relationship, and create a distance between you and your new partner. So, if you truly wish to stop those dreams then you have to work on your thoughts, feelings and fantasies about your ex.