Infidelity Stories: My husband cheated on me with prostitutes

One day, Valeria was surprised when she caught her husband with a lady. Suddenly, her universe collapsed and when she confronted him, he said it didn’t mean anything.

“I was returning home that day and was in a taxi, then there was a traffic jam which made the driver slow down. On my right, a car caught my attention because it looked like my husband’s. Then, I managed to see the driver: it was my husband. He was supposed to be at work so what was he doing there? I noticed he was not alone. Beside him, was a woman, whose face I could not see. While I was trying to see her face, the car drove off.

I am not naturally jealous; I just wanted to understand. I dialed Luke’s cell phone number, which rang for a long time before switching to answering machine. I did not leave a message.

When he arrived home, I said to him: “I met you this morning, on the exteriors.” He did not blink, and simply said: “Yes! I was out to get some stuff”, When I told him that there was a woman in his car, he quickly said it wasn’t him that I saw.
I was stunned. How could he lie about that? I had clearly seen the car. And as for her, who was she? I wondered what to do. Create a scene or ask him questions? I chose to keep quiet, then, as I went to bed, I thought about it and concluded that he had a mistress.

Prior to the incident, I had thought everything was fine with our marriage. We both had a lot of work, then there were the children, who needed constant attention. Our sex life was satisfactory, at least for me! Was he in love with this other woman? Would he leave me for her? Even if it broke my heart, I had to know it. I could not stand his silence.

So I did what women do when they think their husband is cheating on them. I searched his pockets, I listened to the messages on his voice mail, I looked at the numbers stored on his cell phone and found nothing. No suspicious message or compromising blue card bill. Nothing at all.

One morning I decided to follow him to work. With my girlfriend’s car, I followed him as soon as he left the house. He went to his office and stayed there all morning. Around noon, Luke started his car and left the office. I had trouble following him. I imagined that “she” lived near the place where I first saw them and he was going to meet her for lunch. My heart hurt, I drove hard as I followed him. Suddenly, his car slowed down towards the sidewalk.

He was driving slowly. Why was he doing that? I did not understand. Then I saw the girls standing a few meters from each other, very little dressed despite the cold. I immediately understood, even before one of them approached his car and they spoke briefly. Horrified, I watched as the girl entered the car and they drove off. I felt like I was having a nightmare. I did not have the courage to follow them. I put my forehead against the steering wheel and cried. I never expected such from him.

In the evening, after the children had slept, I confronted him. He looked embarrassed, but not that much. He then tried to explain to me that he loved me and that these visits did not matter. He said he didn’t have sex with those ladies, he only hired them for a blowjob and doing “that” was not “deceiving me”.
I could not listen to him. That night, I couldn’t catch some sleep; I had in mind a lot of terrible images, of him, of those women, in our car, in unusual places. I couldn’t believe that the father of my children and my husband for seven years was having sex with other women. How could he say that such was not “deceiving”?

When I looked at his body, I had the impression that with those girls, he has soiled our intimacy; he has soiled our bed, my body, and my head. He contaminated our love with something “dirty”. Making love with him became very difficult. As for blowjob, it was impossible. I tried, but I could not.

We decided to go for counseling and when we got there he narrated his reason for seeing prostitutes;
“It’s true that I have great sexual needs, like most men. My wife may not have realized it, or I was afraid to express my desires. Maybe I respect her too much to ask her for certain things, including blow jobs. It is also true that she is often tired, with work, and our children so I try not to disturb her with my sexual demands.

I have always been fascinated by prostitutes who wait for the man at any time of the day and night. I think they excite me since I was a teenager. The first time I went there was after the birth of my daughter. I was horny, and my wife wasn’t ready so I used the alternative….prostitutes…I found it nice and easy then I went back several times a month. I had a difficult adolescence. I was ashamed to masturbate; my father told me it was wrong.

So for me, prostitutes were like masturbation. It was not deceiving my wife. Prostitutes are there to relieve the desires of men. I do not give them an appointment, I do not call them, I do not talk to them, or maybe little. The routine is simple, after payment, they render the service and get gone.

Prostitutes exist so that men do not deceive their wives with a mistress. I do not feel unfaithful at all. Besides, I have never slept with one of these women. They only give me a blow job. That’s all. For me, it’s not deceiving. It’s not like I have adventures. But Valeria does not agree. For her, I am guilty of adultery.”

Despite all these, I still loved him and wanted to save my marriage. He had promised not to see those girls again but how could I believe him? How could I trust him? Some months after the therapy, I could tell that he stopped seeing those girls. Gradually, I recovered from the negative emotions the discovery had caused me. After we reconciled, we decided to meet up during lunch break so he could get his routine blow job.

1 thoughts on “Infidelity Stories: My husband cheated on me with prostitutes

  1. Linda Chudej says:

    So it’s alright for the wife of a cheating husband to hire a male prostitute & have sex or whatever with him since using a prostitute is like masturbating? My husband cheated on me on several occasions when he was an MP in the Army & stationed in Korea (the world capital of prostitution). He cheated on me with the prostitutes provided by the U.S. & Korean governments in the bars in the camptown near his duty station at the DMZ. The prostitutes there register with the government & get regular check-ups to see if they have an STD. If they do they are given medical treatment & quarantined until they are “clean and ready to work again.” My husband didn’t consider having sex with 5 or 6 prostitutes adultery. Yes it is. He said they meant nothing to him & that he didn’t want to have sex with them but it “just happened” & that he was not attracted to the Korean prostitutes. He said he was so drunk he doesn’t remember what any of the prostitutes looked like or what each time with each prostitute was like but that he quit going to them when he realized he could get in trouble in “the village” & the military might extend his time in Korea & he was anxious to get home to me. Yeah, right. One thing an American G.I. is good at (besides having sex with prostitutes in a bar) is lying. The military encourages G.I.s to have sex with prostitutes & provides the prostitutes for them to do so. He suffered no consequences for his adultery since apparently men compete to see who is the more manly by how many prostitutes they can pay to have sex with them. Well duh—if you pay a woman to have sex with you then you’re likely to be able to get as many women as you have the money to pay for—nothing to do with being manly. LOL!! What a delusion these G.I.s are living with if they think getting drunk, going to a bar & hiring a prostitute is a sign of being a “big” man. It’s odd–would a military husband be proud of his wife if she paid five or six male prostitutes for sex while he was deployed? I doubt it.

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