Learn These Spousal Friendship Cornerstones to Prevent Breakup

Living with another person can be hard. The first stages of a relationship are always easy and people don’t really think about the responsibilities that come with deciding to spend your life with another person.

Children, work and other types of responsibilities can cause couple to lose their communication and end up deciding that separation is the only way to deal with the nervousness their life together is causing. Before you reach that point, maybe you should consider giving these tips a try in order to not only save your relationship but also to improve it.

Communication is very important

If you want a relationship to succeed, you should always make sure that you talk to your partner and you share everything with them. If you wish to make a decision that affects the both of you, or possibly even your children, you should not make it on your own. You should always make sure that your actions do not make your partner feel left out or annoyed.

Good communication in a relationship allows the two people to feel as equals and friends. Try talking to your partner more, include them in your plans and share your thoughts with them.

Even if your relationship is going through hard times you will be able to make your partner feel more appreciated and it will help you two heal your problems a lot faster.

Stay away from lies

One of the biggest mistakes many couples make is keeping things from one another. In a relationship, people are supposed to feel honest with one another and they should share everything if they wish to stay away from misunderstandings that can cause very serious problems in the future.

Lying and hiding things in a relationship means that there is no trust between the two partners. If you want to give your relationship a shot at surviving, you will have to always be honest with your partner about the smallest of things, even if they will upset them at the moment.

At the end of the day, it is a lot better to be upset over something that you said than over something you never did.

Spend time together

A great way to stay close to your significant other and to help your relationship grow strong is to spend time with one another and to do things you both enjoy. A problem that occurs commonly in many relationships is that the people get caught up in their everyday lives and barely make time for one another and for things they used to enjoy doing together.

Even if you have one day free out of your week, make plans to do something with your loved one. You don’t have to travel to another country in order for your day together to be special. Think of things they enjoy doing and make plans to do something together.

Spending time with one another, laughing and enjoying yourselves can really help you come closer and remember all the reasons why you decided to make this relationship work. It will also help you get your minds off of your everyday problems for a short while and have something nice to look forward to every now and then.

Do something nice for one another

After some time, many couples start forgetting about anniversaries, birthdays and other important dates. Even if you believe that the only important date now is the birthday of your child, you might want to reconsider your opinions.

If you know that your partner always enjoys celebrating those important dates, it would be very nice of you to bring them some flowers or plan a dinner at a favorite restaurant every once in a while. Even if you don’t want or can spend money on doing something nice for your partner, there are always little things you can do in your everyday life together that count.

Something as small as cooking lunch or reading the reviews of the product you are going to buy together once in a while will be truly appreciated and they will be happy to know that you appreciate their hard work.
Finding some external help and surprising your husband or wife in this way can clear up their schedule and give you some much needed alone time. Knowing what your partner would need after a long day at work will help the two of you bond more and work harder to make the relationship work in order for the both of you to be happier.

Work together as a team

Probably the most important thing in every relationship is for a person to not work as a unit but as a team along with their partner. Good friends discuss their problems and find solutions together for everything and this is exactly how couples should work too.

After establishing good communication in a relationship, the next step is to make sure that you and your partner put your ideas and conversations to use and work together to overcome any issues, whether they are financial or even more personal.

For example, if the two of you have a child, it is very important that both of you are responsible for its upbringing and activities. If only one person does all the work in a relationship, the ship will definitely sink and the relationship will fall apart.

Working together and splitting responsibilities will help the couple become even closer and appreciate their friendship outside of the relationship which will allow them to work in unison and be effective.

Relationships are worth trying for

Deciding to stay with someone you love is very difficult to do and sometimes there can be tension between the two of you. Knowing that above all you are not only lovers but also best friends is the most important thing in making a relationship work and for the both of you to be happy.

Overcoming problems with your significant other is just a part of being in love and it is very crucial that the two of you learn how to work things out and still love each other, no matter how difficult things might get.


[box] Jessica Fender, creative brain and blog author at OnlineWritersRating.com. I am passionate about the harmony in this world, healthy relationship and true fidelity in the couple. [/box]


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