Why do men look at other women?

why do men look at other women

Men look at pretty women or for that matter……they look at most all women. That goes for men who are married, men who are dating, and men who are single. That’s their nature. But is this built-in attraction with the female body a threat to their spouse, girlfriend, or partner?

Why do men look at other women?

[box] Men find other woman attractive in large measure just because they are other women. [/box]

Denise Prague explains in this fun video!


Dennis states

“First, does the husband or boyfriend find these women on the beach — or for that matter anywhere else — more attractive than he finds his wife or girlfriend? Well, since I believe that only honesty works in the long run, the answer is sometimes, yes. He may very well find some of those women more physically attractive than his woman. But, here’s the point that most women, again understandably, don’t know: with very few exceptions, it doesn’t matter!

In summary, then, when your man looks at these other, perhaps even “more attractive” women,he is:

A) Not comparing you to them

B) Not in any way becoming dissatisfied with you,and

C) Certainly not thinking of them later.

He looks at them because they are other women, whether they are more just as attractive, or less attractive. They are women in bikinis. So he looks.

Where there is basic domestic harmony and mutual physical attraction, more than anything,your husband wants you. When he looks, he isn’t comparing, he isn’t getting dissatisfied,and he won’t have a clue later as to who he saw. So when you’re back in your hotel room, put on your own bikini, and tell him you want him. Because again, more than anyone else in the world, he wants you.

And if you don’t believe me, ask him. You’ll be glad you did. And so will he.

What do you think? What should a man do if he comes across a pretty woman when out with his wife? Should he ignore the other woman, or share his thoughts with his wife? I am guessing it would depend on what he was thinking!