My husband has had several affairs with several women, sometimes both at once. We have been married for 8 years now. When he started cheating, I can’t be 100% sure, but from what I know it started in our second year of marriage into our eighth year off and on.
I couldn’t understand why. Was it something I did or didn’t do. Was it lack of intimacy during my pregnancies, had he lost attraction to me?!….. So on and so forth. In August of last year it was proven by my Dr. That he had been unfaithful yet again. The actual proof floored me. It was only then that he realized and finally took responsibly an admitted he is a sex addict.
He goes to regular meetings and has a sponsor. I’m grateful we actually have resources for that here. I had to realize that he has a disease just as mental illness and alcoholism and narcotic abusers. He is now in individual therapy and takes medication for his depression.
We all have to understand that for some of us it isn’t as black and white. I found this poster and hope it helps others to maybe understand what some of us go through and still choose to move forward as long as there is “real” support.

Elkton, MD, United States