My Mum Slept with Our Electrician, Should I tell My Dad?

My name is Cossy and I am 19 years old.  In my home, my dad had hired an electrician who comes around often to fix our electrical issues. From the first time I saw this guy, I liked him and we got talking.

After some time, we became lovers and started having sex. My mum was aware of this relationship and she had asked me not to date him. I didn’t listen to her since I was already in love with him.

One day I visited my boyfriend’s house and I was shocked to find my mum and my boyfriend making out in the room. I shouted and ran off then they called me and begged me not to say anything about the incident.

After that incident, some days later the guy visited my home to see me. He apologized and after I said I had forgiven him, he started caressing my body. I yielded to his advances and we had sex. After that day we had other sexual encounters and most of which were unprotected.

Last week I realized that I am pregnant but I haven’t told him about it because I am certain that he wouldn’t be willing to take up responsibility for the pregnancy. I have thought about telling my mum of it but I already know she would ask me to go for an abortion.

Currently, I feel so confused. Firstly, I hate my mum for sleeping with my boyfriend and I don’t know if I should tell my dad about it. Secondly, should I tell my boyfriend about my pregnancy or should I abort it and move on?

What should I do? Please help!