“My wife cheated with a boy on our matrimonial bed”


Most men find it difficult to discuss the infidelity of their partners because they consider it as an insult to their manhood. “What would they think of me, if I said my wife went out with another man?” While some would feel sorry for you, others would assume that you are either not big enough or you probably need to get some lessons on how to use your manhood effectively. But that is not always the case because even women who are sexually satisfied in their marriage, still cheat.

Today, we shall look at the story of Mr. X, who was Interviewed by Hadja Diaw Gaye AS. He caught his wife naked on their matrimonial bed with a boy who is old enough to be her son. He couldn’t believe his eyes because he loved her so much and had made a lot of sacrifices for her. It was a bitter truth to accept.

” Where do I start from? I’m not talkative by nature, but I need to share what happened to me. I am a departmental manager at a local company and I make a good living. That is to say that I give my wife enough money to meet all of her needs. She is 32 years old and I’m 41.

I met her 10 years ago when she was a student. After we met, I took up the responsibility of paying her school fees. Three years after she graduated she was able to get a teaching job in Kaolack. The company I work for is based in Dakar so I live there while she stays in Kaolack but I ensure to visit her every weekend.

Eight months ago, I was with my family during one of the weekends when I came across a 22-year-old man who had come to see her. She introduced him as her cousin and I believed her because of the blind trust I had in her. The boy was coming home at all times and I had no doubts.

One day, a neighbor quietly called me and shared his suspicions about the young man’s behavior, especially during my absence. He also mentioned that he had seen the young man with my wife hanging out in restaurants on different occasions. Well, that was a clue that raised doubts in me so I decided to find out what was really going on.”

The Discovery:

“I always leave for Dakar on Sundays but before leaving I used to make love with her. So on that day, after the normal sex routine, I said goodbye to her and left. But instead of taking the road to the capital, I went to a hotel close to my house and lodged. In the evening, I went to my apartment and hid someone where I could see all the entries and exits from the house.

Woman Standing on Wooden Dining Table

Around 9 pm, I saw the young man enter the house. At that time, I called my wife and told her that I had arrived safely at Dakar. We talked for a while then wished each other good night. I waited for about 45 minutes before entering the house and when I entered the bedroom, I found the naked kid on my wife. I almost fainted.

I had a gun with me and my first thought was to pull the trigger, but I couldn’t. I only pulled myself together. The reason why I didn’t shoot anyone is that I have a great respect for human life and I am very religious. I took the boy’s clothes so that he could not escape then I called the neighbor who had informed me and a second neighbor who lives right in front of me.

Guess what my wife did? She decided to create a new scene as she took a knife and tried to kill herself. She expected me to stop her from killing herself even after she had messed up. I didn’t even say a word to her. It was the neighbors that tried holding her back from killing herself.

Meanwhile, the boy tried to justify himself by saying that it was my wife that forced him into having an affair with her.  All the money I gave her she gave to her lover. She even offered him clothes. I bought her a car and she told me it had a breakdown; in fact, she had handed it to the boy.

Since that day, I lost my confidence. I lost my trust in women. I had put all my hopes in my wife still she broke my heart. I never thought that my life would someday be turned upside down this way. What hurt me most was the fact that she was cheating on me with a kid who could be her son.

I’m trying hard to understand why she cheated because I made sure that she lacked nothing. On the sexual side, I thought she was satisfied because we often made love during the weekends.  So, what exactly was her excuse?”

My Reaction After The Discovery:

“To say that I was traumatized after the incident would be an understatement. I couldn’t eat anymore, I couldn’t sleep and couldn’t see my friends. I had filed a complaint but my father persuaded me to withdraw it for the sake of our two girls.  I wanted to go on TV, and share my story so that men who trust their wives blindly would learn from my experience. Every man needs to understand that satisfying the needs of a woman wouldn’t prevent her from cheating if she wants to.

If suicide was permitted by my religion, I would have done it. I have been faithful to her so that incident was a humiliation to my dignity. When I read infidelity stories online and heard them on the radio, I used to think they were fabricated. But after it happened to me, I think I now understand what adultery means and how much it can hurt the betrayed spouse.

They say healing is possible after infidelity and I am currently trying to forgive and move on. Well, I must say the journey hasn’t been easy because each time I remember that incident, it hurts me deeply.”

When I read Mr. X’s story, I tried to imagine how he felt when he saw the naked kid on his wife. To say that he felt disappointed would be an understatement. Who knows if he had once bragged to his friends that his wife was the best in the whole world. He might have even sworn with his life that she loves him so much and would never be unfaithful. But unfortunately, on that fateful evening, a different reality hit him like a stick of dynamite. Oh! Too bad!

Are you another Mr or Mrs. X? If yes, feel free to share your infidelity story with us. You can either send it directly to us or drop it as a comment. Share with us how much you were affected when you discovered your loving partner was messing around with someone else behind your back. We look forward to your response.

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