I never gave up on us

I never gave up on us
No matter the difficulty
I kept faith when I was weak
You would be strong
If you were weak
Strong I would be
Always protected my heart
From invasion of others
Stood in the Gap
When needed
to give family support
Believed with my faith
When you lost your way
You would fight till death
For your home to stay
The deep unyielding pain
The trauma with discovery
Drove me insane
We were nothing to you
Thought to be
Reasons you were held back
Blaming the family God gave
For your unhappiness
Never seeing how much
You had been blessed
Measuring success
By the possessions around
Defining self
By the standards of the world
Giving pride ruler of your soul
Giving lust the keys
Feeding her and she never
Fully satisfied
Always wanting more
You had my full devotion
A loyalty that could not be moved
A love so deep
With grace and forgiveness
Its companion
It was not understood
Or dirty as you wanted it to be
It came from a place of purity
Where God should be
Had to be glorified
Now apart I am not complete
Stolen parts of me
You have kept
Empty spaces where you
Once filled within me
Now scream vacancy
Intense fear forbids
Another allowance to move in
The reminder you left
As part of your lack of self control
And disregard for who you joined
Yourself with
Will keep me alone
As it in my intimate parts
Rears it’s ugly head
A shame I do not want to explain
Yet it’s me for this you try and blame
Even included a dead man
As an excuse
We both know the truth
Even if you cover it with lies
Each night I ask God
Will there ever be a day
You see fully all you have done
A time when you fall on your knees
Confess to him all the wrongs against him
Allow him in this submission
To change you into the man
He had planned for you to be
As the change is complete you will
Come to me
Ask for the forgiveness I’ve given for God to hold
Prove with your actions
Within you there is real love
Or will you remain lost
For all eternity

Juana Ann Morgan

From Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA.


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