Rules for a Happy Marriage

cheating on vacation

Do you want a happy marriage – these tips will help you and are well regarded for those looking to improve and maintain their happy relationship.


  1. Make sure you define boundaries around your family. Try to make time for yourself, for the couple, but also for the whole family. By setting a routine and by redefining lines of connections with each other’s families, you’re going to enjoy a fulfilling relationship with each of them. Always keep in mind that your couple and your family are the most important.


  1. Remember to touch each other often. This doesn’t necessarily mean sexual physical contact, but also hand holding, kissing hello and goodbye, sitting next to each other while watching movies or simply laying together. Make kissing hello and goodbye a routine and stick to it no matter what.


  1. Don’t be afraid to say I love you. It’s always nice and reassuring to hear this from your partner, no matter how often. This small gesture can contribute a great deal to keeping your relationship alive according to professionals. If you didn’t have the chance to do it in the morning, call each other when you have a moment in the day and say it.


  1. Have a regular schedule for your intimate dates. Sex is very important when it comes to maintaining a happy marriage. While very young couples average 2-3 intimate contacts a week, couples in their 30s do it twice a week, and couples over 40 only once to twice per week. You should ensure a frequency of at least twice a month. Beware of this schedule, because it is very easy to fall on a slope where physical intimacy isn’t a priority anymore. If you want to strengthen your marriage and to protect yourself from the inherent stress of today’s hectic life, you need to maintain physical contact with your spouse. Make time for sex, either spontaneously or planned. Your sexual relationship should generate pleasure and relieve tension rather than causing stress and anxiety.


  1. Compliment your spouse when you are around other people. This is a nice thing to do, as it makes your partner feel more attached to you. It is also an excellent self-esteem booster. Your children will have a great example of being complementary as a couple.


  1. Every now and then, change your sexual script when you make sex. Mix up your regular way of kissing and of going through the foreplay, and you’ll feel more aroused and more loving of your partner. Take turns in initiating the sexual act, as this will enable both of you to enjoy the excitement of feeling desired and cherished. Changing roles and using new ways of providing each other pleasure will strengthen you bond.


  1. Regularly make small gifts to each other and show your love through meaningful gestures. Writing your partner a loving note or buying his or her favorite treat on your way back home will help you stay connected to each other. Any kind of attention would do. For instance, you can leave a loving note written with the lipstick on the bathroom mirror.


  1. Open your eyes during your sexual dates. Let your partner see you by looking right unto each other’s eyes during your orgasm. Your partner will feel deeply loved and will love you back even more.


Author: Peter Bradbury

Clarity Clinic Chicago