Seven Tips to Prevent Online Infidelity

Online infidelity is the involvement in any online relationship that stands as a threat and violation to your  marital vow. It often starts with a simple SMS which progresses into voice calls, video calls and into cybersex. Married couples who visit dating sites are guilty of this type of infidelity.  After meeting online some of these individuals finally meet up in different locations so they can get intimate physically.

In marriages, online infidelity has become very predominant because of the numerous dating sites that are available. These sites are easily accessible and you can find thousands of people to flirt with over there. Online cheating can cause severe damage in marriages if not avoided.

Some cases of online infidelity actually happen accidently. This is because aside from the dating sites you could still find individuals who are interested in flirting on Facebook, Instagram, etc. For example, you could get a simple “hi” from your friend from college and after exchanging pleasantries on the first day, the next day you realize that your friend loves sex chatting.  Getting a free offer of a sex chat might be tempting to you especially if you are the lustful type. Let’s say you accepted a sex chat the first time and the next time you get involved in a video sex.

Have you ever asked yourself how your spouse would feel if he found out those naked pictures and videos you have been sharing online? Most people when they are caught try to justify their actions by saying: ” I haven’t seen this guy before and we haven’t had sex. We just catch some fun online.” Oh! That means your spouse is boring while the other individual behind your device screen is fun to be with right?

Well, if you wish to avoid the occurrence of online infidelity in your relationships, then the following tips would be of help to you and your partner.

Discuss with your spouse:

This issue isn’t one of those issues that should be ignored instead the couple should make out time to share their respective versions on what constitutes online infidelity. They should discuss how they would feel if a partner got involved in online cheating. It is important to clearly define the issue and set the boundaries.

Discuss your online friendships:

Of course, it is totally acceptable to develop friendships on Facebook and other social networks; but you should be able to talk about it openly with your partner. So, if your darling questions you about the friend you are chatting with, you should tell him bluntly where you met him, and why you kept in touch. By sharing with your spouse the identity of the people with whom you are connected on the Internet, you maintain a relationship of trust.

 Chat only with your friends:

At times, people choose to chat with strangers in order to kill time and boredom. This is a behavior that should sometimes be avoided. You and your partner could make a list of topics that you both feel are acceptable for your online interactions.  In the end, it is better to stick with the people you know well. And of course, the exchange of sexual fantasy is excluded!

 Discuss the distraction:

If a spouse gets an admirer or any other form of distraction from online, he or she should discuss it with the other spouse. For example;

“Honey, I met a lady online and since the first chat, she has being sending me her naked pictures. I guess she wants to flirt with me”

Letting your spouse know about your encounters online would help to build trust and security.

No password please!

There is nothing as sweet as having an open relationship where each spouse can access the other’s account without password restrictions. It simply means that you have no cockroaches in your cupboard. Although, not everyone would accept to give their passwords to their spouse for other reasons not related to infidelity. But if you are sure that you can handle the “No Password” relationship, then ride on. It helps to build the trust between the couple.

Avoid dating sites:

Are you single or married? If you are married then what else are you looking for on dating sites? If you are certain that you wouldn’t want to betray your spouse’s trust then as much as possible, stay away from dating sites.

Spend more time together:

In the end, try to spend a little more time with your spouse and a little less time behind the screen! Plan activities that you enjoy doing such as; going to the movies, meeting friends, attending a concert, or going out for a romantic date. Think of the hobbies you have in common and create time to have fun.

Online infidelity can destroy a relationship so you must guard against it firmly. I must say that in the end temptations abound everywhere – both on the web and elsewhere so what every couple would need to protect their marriage is trust, love, fidelity, commitment and respect.

2 thoughts on “Seven Tips to Prevent Online Infidelity

  1. Mavena says:

    Thanks for your valuable tip. Now a days infidelity is increasing rapidly. It’s an alarming sign that literate persons are more guilty in this regard

  2. Pingback: Does a Parent's Infidelity Affect the Child?

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