Tag Archives: abuse

Is drug or alcohol addiction affecting your love life?

Unrealistic Demands

Drugs, alcohol, and intimate relationships are a potentially explosive mix. While it is true that substance abuse can have a devastating impact on one’s work and health, intimate relationships are often its first victims. Aside from the user, the greatest impact is often on the substance abuser’s partner. Addicts will choose their drug of choice […]

How to overcome domestic abuse and trauma

domestic abuse

There is a common assumption among modern society that abuse and trauma are things which happen to other people.In a perfect world, no one would have to go through the physical, psychological, and emotional stress of dealing with abuse, domestic violence, bullying, the loss of loved ones, or other traumatic events.Unfortunately, we live in a […]

The Mystery of Loving an Abuser: Stockholm Syndrome

The Mystery of Loving an Abuser

People are often amazed at their own psychological conditions and reactions. Those with depression are stunned when they remember they’ve thought of killing themselves. Patients recovering from severe psychiatric disturbances are often shocked as they remember their symptoms and behavior during the episode. A patient with bipolar disorder recently told me “I can’t believe I […]

Staying with a spouse after infidelity

withholding sex

Have you ever cheated? Been cheated on? Have you suffered some other devastating betrayal at the hand of the person you loved? In a recent article, author Pamela Haag offers her perspective on the issue of staying with a spouse following infidelity. She comments on the range of responses to news of infidelity — everything […]