Tag Archives: adultery stories

Do Upper Egyptian women have a tendency to cheat on their husbands?

CAIRO  1/3 of Egyptian women cheat on their husbands In Egypt, talking about Infidelity in public may have career-altering repercussions – or that is what TV show host Khairy Ramadan discovered. His TV show “Momken,” which in Arabic means “It’s Possible,” was suspended for 15 days after one of his guests declared that a third […]

Even the act of rape is considered adultery in Iraq

Iraq Stoned for committing adultery ISLAMIC State raped four Iraqi women before stoning them to death for ‘committing adultery’ Four Kurdish women were raped by Islamic State (Isis) jihadi fighters then stoned to death in front of a large crowd for their ‘adultery’. The women were apparently subject to the barbaric execution in the Daesh […]

Police officer kills herself after cheating with her Superior

From Australia The Police Force ‘may need to consider its own culture’   Suicide of police officer after affair with superior raises questions over NSW Police Force’s duty of care   A MARRIED junior policewoman hanged herself after having an affair with a senior officer who became friends with her husband, an inquest has heard. […]