Tag Archives: affairs

Book Review: Not Just Friends by Shirley Glass

Affair Recovery Book: Not Just Friends by Shirley Glass

The author, using clinical experience and current research, broadens its definition, causes, and means of resolution. I recommend it for anyone considering an affair, in an affair, or recovering from an affair.

Why married men cheat 

Things are rapidly deteriorating around my house based on my affair.  I would like to give you an overview and explain why married men cheat My situation: I am 46, my wife is 43. We have been married for 15.3 years, and been together for 20 years. We have three children under the age of […]

Survey results: The #1 person your spouse will cheat on you with is “A FRIEND”

Who do cheat with?

Did you know that your friend has a 55% chance of having an affair with your own spouse? It is true. The survey results are in! A recent British survey conducted by YouGov UK for The Sun newspaper found that one in five British adults admit to having an affair, while a third of adults […]

Making Sense of Infidelity

Making Sense of Infidelity

Making Sense of Infidelity …how understanding it all helps you Whether you are staying or leaving, there is value in understanding what the infidelity in your relationship meant, and where it came from. We cannot fully heal and let go, until certain processes are completed. When the storm settles down, as you move through the […]

Infidelity Quiz

Ten Question Quiz: Answer these questions honestly, and you will be able to gauge the likelihood of your marriage being affected by infidelity. 1) We decided to get married less than a year after we met. 2) You are both aged under 25 years old. 3) Your partner has unexplained mood swings that are hard […]

How to Help Other People Change Their Habits

Three pointers on helping someone else change their habits. Having written a book on how to change your own habits, in interviews I was often asked: how can I change another person’s habits? Say I want my partner to stop cracking his knuckles or get my daughter to put down her mobile phone at meal times […]

MEDIA: Does Being Overweight put Your Relationship in Jeopardy

why do men look at other women

Join my special guest and relationship guru Savannah Ellis and me on Baring It All with MVO Radio. Where we’re gonna share some shocking and revealing truths you will absolutely want to hear. Get ready to laugh, cry and hear the brutal honest truth and insights into this and more when it comes to your […]

MEDIA: Nailing difficult conversations

Nailing difficult conversations The Age, May 18, 2015 Small Business   Psychologist Savannah Ellis recommends writing down a plan of action before you start the discussion. Photo: Supplied You can put them off for as long as you like, but there’s no escaping difficult conversations. What scares us most is confrontation: how to bring it up, where […]