Tag Archives: Cheating Spouse

Are you in a relationship with a narcissist?

A narcissist will twist the rules to fit their current needs. For example, if the spouse of a narcissist is cheating on the narcissist, the spouse will be considered to be the dishonest and bad person, whereas if the narcissist is cheating it will not be wrong. This is because in the narcissist’s mind, the narcissist simply “fell in love” and followed his or her heart.

Is your husband or wife in an Emotional Affair?

emotional affair

Is there a new name popping up in conversations with your spouse, stories where this person figures prominently, and you sense there may be the beginnings of an emotional affair? It’s not uncommon for married people to have what are called “work spouses,” which means they are close to someone at work that is of the opposite […]

Is It Your Fault Your Spouse Cheated?

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The short answer is no. No, it is not your fault your spouse cheated. The circumstances of your relationships and whatever led up to the affair do not take responsibility away from your spouse choosing to cheat on you. Yes, your emotions are all over the place, your heart is shattered into a million pieces, […]