Tag Archives: cheating wife

Cheating wife busted as her lover is caught escaping on video

The half-naked lover is caught escaping on video A MAN sleeping with someone else’s wife thought he got away with it when he escaped from a neighbor’s balcony. The man was reportedly visiting a married woman in a neighboring flat when her husband came home unexpectedly. In the clip, the man can be seen chucking […]

Husband on trial for attempted murder had suspected infidelity

Carmel Cutajar, 51, is accused of the attempted murder of his estranged wife in Rabat in 2012 A man on trial for the attempted murder of his wife had found out that she had sent a text message, apparently professing her love to someone else before he shot her, the jury trying him has heard. Day one […]

Married police officer conducted affair while on duty

Cheating police officer defrauded insurance company to stop boyfriend finding out she was having an affair 03 Mar 2016 A police officer defrauded an insurance company after a car accident because she wanted to keep her affair a secret. PC Nicola King, 30, said she had been the driver of a car involved in a […]

I was the one who cheated

“I was the one that cheated” Question: After many years of telling my husband I was unhappy I decided to start working on myself. He never made any effort to work on things with me he’d rather be on his computer. I started going to a support group and made a friend and we spent […]

My wife cheating was the most important thing to ever happen to me

This is being written from over fifteen years of perspective, mind you. I’m not trying to tell anyone currently going through hell, “Hey, you’ll be fine!” I was emotionally raw and in therapy for two years. When everything first fell apart, I didn’t eat for two weeks, which resulted in a 35-pound weight loss. These […]

Do Upper Egyptian women have a tendency to cheat on their husbands?

CAIRO  1/3 of Egyptian women cheat on their husbands In Egypt, talking about Infidelity in public may have career-altering repercussions – or that is what TV show host Khairy Ramadan discovered. His TV show “Momken,” which in Arabic means “It’s Possible,” was suspended for 15 days after one of his guests declared that a third […]