Tag Archives: Communication

Another way to look at nagging

nagging wife

Does this look familiar to you?   Nagging: repetitive inquiring/asking/reminding, with a tone of escalating irritability.  Why, oh why, do we nag?!  It annoys the nag-ee. It actually even annoys the nagger! Plus, nagging doesn’t work. Even if it elicits the desired results (i.e., the thing we’re rattling on about actually gets accomplished), it’s with a […]

Do you know the Four Horsemen?

Four Horsemen

These 4 behaviors are poison to relationships. Watch this and find out how to avoid them.   Criticism: It’s okay (and can be healthy) to complain about what’s wrong in your relationship, the problem arises when complaining turns into criticizing. A complaint focuses on the event or behavior you want to change, whereas criticism attacks […]

Radio Interview: The Secrets of Communicating with Women

Chris: Joe, again, thanks so much for being on the show. I’m really excited to chat with you. I’m recently engaged so every time I learn about somebody who is knowledgeable about relationships I just can’t wait to talk to them because what I’ve learned is it is impossible to … maybe not impossible, but […]

MEDIA: Nailing difficult conversations

Nailing difficult conversations The Age, May 18, 2015 Small Business   Psychologist Savannah Ellis recommends writing down a plan of action before you start the discussion. Photo: Supplied You can put them off for as long as you like, but there’s no escaping difficult conversations. What scares us most is confrontation: how to bring it up, where […]