Tag Archives: dating after affair

Dating After Betrayal

This week, I’m going to discuss the topic of dating specifically dating when you have had a nasty relationship break up. Think of the worst thing that can happen to a committed monogamous relationship and that is infidelity. The process of working through the infidelity and finding yourself on the other side is arduous and […]

Dating after Infidelity

Nothing scars and scathes like a nasty breakup encounter. It can be scary getting back into the dating scene after a long break. If things didn’t end on a good note, then you may not be sure if you are ready to trust someone new. Here are 10 tips to follow: Hold on until you […]

7 Ways to Stop Feeling Insecure in Your Relationship

Don’t feel good enough? Everyone has insecurities; it is just how life works. It doesn’t matter whether you look like you walked out of a fashion magazine or you feel like the least attractive bum on the planet. These insecurities make us human but running rampant, they can spell doom for an otherwise healthy relationship. […]