Tag Archives: divorce

How to tell children about divorce

how to tell children about divorce

Children of all ages can be devastated by the news that their parents are divorcing. Even those who have been living in a highly conflictual situation are often shocked by their parents’ final decision to separate. It is our hope that this article can help you prepare for how to tell children about divorce. For […]

Israel Houghton’s sin, cheating, adultery, divorce, and forgiveness

The worship leader known as Israel Houghton has long been a favorite of Christian music fans. With lyrics pointing to the words that a stranger told Israel’s mother when she felt alone — “You are not forgotten” — Houghton is a musical and lyrical powerhouse. Those words have been turned into powerful songs like “I […]

Protect your children’s rights during and after your divorce

how to tell children about divorce

The divorce of one’s parents is difficult and emotionally distressing for children of all ages. A subsequent remarriage of either parent creates an additional adjustment.  A father’s remarriage to a younger woman may be particularly stressful for his children. What are the issues that make this new union most troublesome to youngsters? Intact families provide […]

The most common reasons people give for their divorce

infidelity reasons for divorce in the usa

Infidelity is one of the leading causes of divorce; it nearly doubles the chance that a couple will get divorced. And even though we live in a sexually tolerant society, still more than 90% of Americans say infidelity is morally wrong. Statistics on infidelity  Although it is hard to do research on how common infidelity is, […]